Smores and Drunken Wars

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"Wait you've never made s'mores?!" Eliza asked incredulously as Auden again shook her head no. They were all sporting sweats, had made dinner which consisted of hot dogs and beans. Now they were grabbing there sticks for marshmallows. "You've never been camping, you've never been cliff diving and now s'mores?" Bonzo ticked off his fingers as if her lack of experience was a actual crime.

To be fair, maybe it was..

As Zed continued to get to know Auden he was beginning to realize she really didn't get much of a childhood. She wasn't sheltered but it didn't seem like she really ever got to do things a kid or teen typically did. Even her house looked like out of a Architect Digest magazine not something a child should be raised in..

Also.. She didn't even have her license.

Which she still won't admit to why..

"What about ice skating? Road trips ? Do you even know how to ride a bike?" Auden rolled her eyes, Bonzo only putting his hands up in defense. His eyes widening as he realized his marshmallow was indeed on fire. He hurried to blow it out.

"I can ride a bike.. Never been ice skating or on a road trip before unless you count moving here or the trip up this mountain. My parents just never.. They weren't into these kind of things?"

"You mean they weren't into giving you a childhood?" Zed raised an eyebrow. He didn't mean it as a dig but he saw how her face fell for a second. It made him feel like a total asshole.

"I guess they just weren't into those things for me." Biting his lip, Zed nodded getting that she was probably over this conversation. Jen seemed like a cool step mom and Zed knew Jeff was his dads childhood best friend so he had to be a decent guy but damn apparently having a kid was not their strong suit. They let her do pretty much whatever she wanted but they were never there to give her these core childhood memories.

"Alright Summers." Zed sighed, plopping his camping chair right next to hers before grabbing two sticks that he had stuck marshmallows on. "Ready to make your first s'more?"

"I mean, I guess if it means I get to learn from the best.." A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, happy that she was still in a good mood despite the conversation they had just had. "Well get ready, it's about to be the best damn s'more you've ever had."


"Holy shit these are delicious." They were, then again marshmallows with melted chocolate and gram crackers should never not be delicious.

"Maybe we should make like a list of core childhood and high school experiences that we can tick off this weekend?" Bonzo joked, "That could actually be kind of fun.." Eliza mused as she stuffed another crispy marshmallow into mouth.

"Oh I got one! You ever played truth or dare?" Zed glared at Bonzo, suddenly seeing this taking a turn he wasn't sure if he was okay with as his best friend handed her a spiked seltzer from their cooler which Auden happily accepted.

"I have not.. Isn't that kind of childish?"

"Kind of the point here princess, alright let's play. We will start with E first." Eliza rolled her eyes before sitting up in her chair as a smirk quickly took over her face. "Okay hit me with it, let's go with truth."

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