Cheap Beer Kisses & Near Misses

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"I can't believe he just rang you up!" I exclaimed, Zed shrugged as he held up the twelve pack of beer victoriously.

"He only does it with beer, he'll card anyone trying to buy hard alcohol though." My head nodded while my eyes wandered everywhere else.
ZombieTown was hella cool..

Everything was lit up with different types of lights or custom neon signs. Each building having its own unique design and flare.

"It's different.." Zed mumbled, putting the beer on his bike. "It's amazing.." I corrected, still in awe as I swung my leg over the bike. He smirked before showing me how to hold on and balance the case of beer.

"Where are we going?"

"Depends.. What are you in the mood for?"

"Surprise me Necrodopolis."

He pulled behind some building before cutting the engine. Music could be heard blasting from inside.

"This is the old power plant.. Someone bought it and turned it into like a nightclub. Seabrookers don't really ever show their faces around here.." He explained while handing me a beer. Taking the case in one hand and grabbing my free hand with the other.

"There's no alcohol allowed inside but.. I found this a couple months back." Pulling a old crank on the side of the building the gates opened and we were suddenly facing a industrial lift.

"Is this where you hide the bodies?" Zed threw his head back laughing before walking past me into the lift.

"Come on Summers the beer is going to get warm."

"Just remember if anything happens to me—"

"Jen will skin me alive... She's already made sure I'm very aware." I cracked opened the beer he gave me while stepping into the lift with him, surprised by his omission.

"She has?"

"Yeah.. but your step moms pretty cool."

"She really is."

"What is this?" Tons of lightbulbs glowed brightly in the dim room. It was different and absolutely beautiful. You know besides for the stack of boxes and fraying pool table to the side.

"Its like a light garden.. but I guess no one ever comes down here. My dad said it was suppose to be some kind of other room for the club but it didn't pass due to poor ventilation.. So it's like a storage room now." Finally Zed sat down on a box before cracking open a beer and chugging it.

"Oh it's that kind of night.."

"Well you did make me talk about Voldemort.." I snorted, Zed laughed already bringing another can to his lips.


"It's what Bonz and Eliza started calling her, it stuck." I took a large gulp of beer, nodding.

"Eliza and Bonzo seem like good friends.."

"That's a story for another day.." Zed sighed, Auden nodded again realizing there was a lot more layers to this guy then she realized.

Home With You   (Zed Necrodopolis AU) Where stories live. Discover now