School Errands

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Concerning school, I've never received much errands. Howbeit, whenever that was the case—I endeavored making my teachers gratified they preferred me for the job.

. . . . .

My history substitute escorted me down to the front office in search of printed assessments. I was accorded time to go lounging about in the corridors and relish my afternoon milieu. Club sign-up flyers as well as posters reposed on the tiled walls of the premises. The lost and found bin manifested signs of requiring a partner from its capacity. But most strikingly, the pristine aroma of cinnamon buns coursed about the cafeteria—having just exceeded. That American delight I would've noshed if tempura along with Maki rolls hadn't occurred.

Soon enough, I approached the front office; a floor down from the aid room. The receptionist was found occupied on a call alongside an overwrought parent. After discerning inches of said phone call, it appeared her son was enduring a dire allergic reaction obtained from friendly-given food.

Time was ticking, and I noticed I had to arrive at my current class prior to second bell. Before I could unlatch my mouth to protest, the spindly woman mouthed 'I'll get to you baby, just wait right there.'

I sighed before subsiding into the home of the chairs in the waiting room. Never, did I have to undergo that. Customarily, they had two to four people occupying the front office developed to advise you. Howbeit, after the episodes of a fire transpired at the local patisserie across the premises, things took a turn for the worst. Kimetsu high—having associated alongside the shop for their pastry goods, obtained their turn in reimbursing the funds for their construction. Consequently, the school took on a wee budget that not only relegated our school computers, but our... customer service.

Nobody accepted the novel differences around the area, ensuing in the act of transferring regarding a number of the students. Therefore explicating where Gyomei ran off to. Scarcely, did he bother about how jarring his studies may be in particular, but his parents did for sure. Our batch grew forlorn when his leave came into play, but that never prevented us from prospering. In sooth, our bond grew even closer.

"You needed something, baby?" Said the receptionist, her tender voice breaking me out of my thoughts.

Eventually, she clicked back the cerise office phone examining me with a broad beam. Finally, I could plea acceptance of the printer room and return to class.

"Ahh- of course umm...," I got the sticky note with my history teachers signature on it out of my pocket and walked up to her. "Here! I—I need access into the printer room for 27 copies my history teacher just printed of our new assessment this semester."

The receptionist seized the chartreuse sticky note from the clutch of my hand and scrutinized it. She lifted her glasses up prior to tapping away on the keyboard in her presence.

"Alright, we don't do sticky notes anymore. Lately, our students have been faking those to do inappropriate things," She said with a sarcastic laugh. "I'll send them an email for confirmation, ok? Who are you working with today?"

I began to grow tetchy—my eyes twitching. What indecorous acts were these students conducting that the sticky note tactic; occurring for years was now declined? It couldn't be that vital, right?

I took another sip of breath and muttered "I'm with $&%!<-San today. He's a substitute."

Slowly, she nodded and commenced tapping away once more.

"Why can't you just take the papers yourself, so that I wouldn't have to go inside the printer room?" I suddenly bloated out.

She halted typing for a moment, and glanced at me. Leisurely, she shook her head, elevating her eyebrows—a further sardonic laugh eluding her mouth.

"If I were to do that, who would be of assistance while I'm gone?" She asked, taking a sip of the Wawa coffee once rested on her desk.

"I... will?"

"Pfft- no honey. Just go and sit down on one of the chairs over there while we wait. Feel free to take a peppermint while you're at it," She requested, pointing to the glass jar filled of green and red peppermints. "We've been trying to get rid of those, lately."

I groaned and lolled over to the chair alongside the peppermint jar. Perhaps a treat or two would assist me to brighten up. My hand extended over to equip one when a much broader hand brushed against mine. I jolted and hastily whisked my hand aside, looking up to discern Genya's face. He looked just as confounded to encounter me, and briskly looked elsewhere.

"O-oh, it's you Genya! What brings you here?"

"Oh, I was just here to pick up my friends computer for him, we have a test today in English."

I nodded and lounged on the abode of one of the snug chairs alongside us. I patted the vacant chair to my left as a gesture for him to sit down.

"Oh really? That must suck. The new semester has rarely even started yet,"

"Yeah, my English class is by far the worst," He mentioned before groaning in vexation.

A wee laugh escaped from my mouth as I ran an obsidian strand behind my ear.

"Nothing worse than my calculus though...,"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed with a regretful chuckle.

"It was just a normal day in calculus, right," I started, looking down at the ground. "Until my friend Inosuke who sits next to me spotted something blue on the ground next to his foot. You see where this is going, right?"

Much to my surprise, Genya pursued shaking his head in uncertainty.

"Well... it was a used tampon," I sighed, running a hand down my face. "The classroom went crazy over it. Some people even took pictures of it and posted it on their stories,"

"I don't know who's more disgusting. The girl that left her tampon there, or the people taking pictures of it."

I shook my head and laughed before protesting, "Both are equally disgusting."

We bartered a few additional confabs as well as laughs with eachother. Time was jogging by and neither of us registered the numbers skipping on the clock. After a few auxiliary minutes of inessential blabbering transpired, we grasped that time was used and exchanged numbers.

"You should come over after school. Only my hot-headed twin brother is home so we'll be alright," I howled to him before he evacuated the area with his friends computer.

He shot me a thumbs up and left.

Turning around, I was encountered by a bijou paper pile lazing on the receptionist desk.

"Oh—are these the-,"

"Yeah, I just realized that we don't actually have substitute emails. And so I did what you suggested earlier. Seems like you were two busy conversing with your boyfriend to realize," She confirmed, smirking in pert when broaching the final sentence.

I scoffed, surprised by her unforeseen joke; still clutching the broad paper pile. By this time, the 2nd bell was far from gone, and I already anticipated the inconveniences that were in store for me. Having been the latest I have ever experienced, I didn't take in Genya for a hindrance. I mean, who'd fail to be distracted by his appealing beam or his satisfying demeanor? It wasn't everyday you encountered people like him.

Word Count: 1240

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