Football vs. Track

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"Just what is your motivation for doing this everyday?" Genya asked in shock from the sweaty sight; that was Muichiro, after running his 5th lap.

Muichiro took his Gatorade water bottle from the equipment bag and performed gradual sips.

"Well," He started, setting the bottle back down and sitting down onto the hot, bitten by the sun, bleachers. "Somebody just so happened to beat my score lately. And I wasn't just gonna sit down and let that slide,"

Genya arched an eyebrow and responded, "Say, what was your score?"

"10.4 seconds...," Muichiro looked down at the ground in self disappointment. "He beat me by 0.3 seconds,"


"10.1," Muichiro confirmed in a dour tone.

It went silent as he took the time to think to himself. Eyeing the track, he squinted his eyes and imagined himself running another lap. This time, he imagined a crowd. A crowd of people watching by the other end of the bleachers and sharing their applause as he outran all of the other competitors.

The dust followed his shadow as his feet moved along with the bob of his ponytail. And there he was, right there and almost at the finish line where he would be titled 1st placer.

His imaginations slowly depleted into lost air as he began to snap out of it. The celebration music in which was once ringing in his head, slowly disappeared into a showcase of reality. Where there is no dust, no applause, and no winner. There, right in front of him, was an empty, red track.

Although... it wasn't supposed to be empty. He was supposed to be running on that track just this moment. There was no time for lengthy breaks. He had a score to settle. And he needed somebody to share that score with him. A jogging partner, at that.

As the idea fled his mind, he slowly got back up and shot his head towards Genya.

"I need you to run with me. One more lap," He said, crossing his arms.

Genya furrowed his eyebrows, slowly getting up to look at him. He wasn't opposed to the idea of running—just, didn't really expect the sudden request.

"Yeah sure, but...," He looked around the track, allowing his eyes to hit the sun. "Wouldn't this be your 6th lap? Aren't you tired?"

Muichiro shook his head hastily and responded, "I have a score to settle. This much practice is necessary,"

"Whatever you say," Genya blurted, easily giving in.

He held his phone with the stopwatch in his hands, slowly following Muichiro onto the track. The two of them got ready and into their positions. They felt the air around them and kept their breaths still.

Once Genya felt ready, he created a signal, began the stopwatch, and jogged.

. . . . .

Muichiro knocked on his front door, feeling completely tired and heavy. Genya waited behind him, a fearful look on his face as he hesitated coming in.

The encounter he had earlier with Yuichiro has changed his perspective of the abode in which Muichiro had resided in. He didn't feel safe coming inside, or if he'd even be accepted into such a delicate house.

However, the door in front of him slowly opened, and a grumpy replica of Muichiro had allowed them inside.

"There's a plate of omurice on the counter for you," Yuichiro started as he leisurely began climbing back up the stairs. "I'll be upstairs doing my homework, and I don't want you disturbing me. You know what happens if you do..."

Genya shivered at the cold look Yuichiro gave him. He slightly looked away as the small build of Yuichiro faded into the darkness of the second floor. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, he turned over to Muichiro who was already making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh, don't mind him," Muichiro stated. "He's just like that. You learn to get used to it."

Genya nodded, sitting down onto one of the chairs at the dining table. He slowly rested his back onto it, relieving the pain from the short run he just experienced.

"So, how was the jog?" Muichiro suddenly asked as he grabbed a fork from the dishwasher.

"Painful... I don't know how you do it everyday, let alone 6 times,"

Muichiro let out a subtle chuckle and asked him, "Then how do you do all of that running while playing football during lunch?"

"Hey now, don't compare whatever that was to football," Genya argued, swiftly getting out of his seat. "Football is actually fun,"

"And so is track."

The two of them looked at eachother with defeaning stares. Muichiro proceeded to deepen his gaze by creasing his eyes, refusing to let himself blink.

"No it's not," Genya retorted.

"Oh, yes it is."

However, Genya wouldn't stop staring. He refused to give in. It was such a childish move, but the two of them took it almost seriously. It was quiet in the area as neither of them submitted to the others opinion. The tranquility didn't continue for long though, when Genya quickly blinked in response to the water filling up his tear glands.

"Ha! I win!" Muichiro exclaimed, picking up his plate of omurice in a jovial attitude.

Genya rolled his eyes as he watched Muichiro walk over to him with a whole lotta pep in his step. Muichiro sat down, right next to him and began to eat.

He looked at Genya in wonder, confused as to why he wasn't getting something to eat himself. After all, he'd invited him to his abode to enjoy himself. Why not eat something delicious?

"Y'know... we've got some fresh food in the fridge," Muichiro began, taking a small bite of his meal. "You don't have to pretend to not be hungry," He finished, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I wasn't pretending. I just didn't know if I was allowed to just come into your house and start eating your food," Genya responded, getting up from his seat and walking over to the fridge to see what was left inside.

In the bottom compartment of the fridge, he spotted a plastic box of sashimi and another, full of rice. He smiled in satisfaction before taking out both boxes to create himself a lunch.

After having been finished preparing said dish, he returned the plastic boxes to their homes and walked over to the dining table. He sat down right next to Muichiro and began to eat.

"So, are we on again for tomorrow?" He asked, taking an honest scoop of rice.

"You bet."

Word Count: 1092

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