Holding Hands

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"Pfft- why did you ditch your bros to come and spend some time with me?" Muichiro asked, glancing at the players on the turf.

"Because I like you,"

Muichiro raised an eyebrow, looking at his taller friend in confusion.

"I mean—not like that of course," Genya confirmed, saving himself. "I just like hanging out with you more," He continued, scratching his neck.


Muichiro didn't mean for his voice to come out as disappointed as it did. After all, he didn't really expect Genya to reciprocate the sudden feelings he's been starting to feel lately. However, he just wished Genya's words could mean much more than they already did.

"Seems like you're still able to walk, huh?" Muichiro said with a smirk.

"Huh? Oh—yeah... yesterday's run was pretty intense," Genya remembered. "I'm still so shocked as to how you're able to do that everyday."

"Please... that was just me going easy on you so that you could catch up. You should actually see me during track. I'm much faster," Muichiro bragged, crossing his arms in pride.

Genya rolled his eyes and responded, "I already see enough of your face in a day. I'd lose my mind if I had to see more of it by coming to your practices,"

"Hey!" Muichiro shouted in offense.

Genya laughed at the look the smaller one gave him. He didn't usually laugh like he did whenever he was around Muichiro. If only he got to see more of him in a day. However, both of their schedules seemed to interfere with their encounters.

He just wished he could be in Muichiro's presence a little longer. He wished he could make him laugh more; Muichiro rarely did. His smile was so beautiful that Genya just felt lucky he was even able to witness such a sight everyday. It couldn't help the fact that his heart always started singing whenever he was around Muichiro. And there was just so much more to it.

So much more that he was afraid to list down. But it was all true. If only he truly got to know Muichiro. He was already one of the closest people he's had in his life in the span of two months.


"Hm?" Muichiro turned around to his name.

Genya jumped in surprise. He didn't expect him to actually respond so suddenly. What was he even going to say? He completely forgot. It was subconscious decision making all over again.

Running a hand down his face in self disappointment, he said, "Ahh, nevermind. I forgot what I was going to say. I guess I was just too lost in your beauty that I-,"

Genya quickly stopped himself, clasping his hands over his mouth.

What the fuck did I just say?

"Oh—o-oh, uhh... thank you?" Muichiro gradually said, trying to hide the heat on his cheeks.

Nothing could deny what he'd heard. Genya thought he was beautiful. He really did! Nobody ever complimented him like that. Except for Mitsuri of course, but well, she's... Mitsuri. So she doesn't count.

But Genya most definitely did. The moment Muichiro fully realized that, his face grew as red as a radish. He couldn't even stop himself from smiling. Why was he acting like this?


A loud whistle blew signaling the end of lunch and interrupting the awkward silence between the two boys. Muichiro jolted, attempting to look anywhere but at Genya.

"Well, what do yuh know? I guess lunch just had to end so soon," Genya said awkwardly. "Want to walk back inside with me?"

Muichiro eagerly nodded and took Genya by the hand. A pinkish hue arose onto Genya's cheeks as he struggled to process the quite intimate contact. Muichiro's hands were as soft as a pillow. Yet, as cold as snow. There were so many ways he could describe the hand he was holding at this very moment.


"Oh! I'm so sorry! I seriously don't know why I did that," Muichiro apologized, pulling his hand away from the taller one. "I really need to learn how to keep these to myself," He said, concerning his hands.

"But you don't... I liked holding your hand,"

"W-what?" Muichiro asked, trying to process what he had said.

Genya took him by the hand and said, "I said I enjoy holding your hands,"

"O-oh," Muichiro sputtered; his cheeks, not able to get any redder than they already were.

He hadn't realized how badly he wanted Genya to hold his hands until he just... let him. And it felt so good to be holding the hands of the one he loved the most. Whether Genya's intentions were platonic or romantic, Muichiro knew deep down that he truly wanted this moment to last forever.

His hands felt so small in the home of the bigger ones that swallowed them whole. A shiver crawled down his spine as Genya tightened the grip on his hands. He felt Genya caress each of his fingers, one by one, with his thumb. His heart pursued to race as Genya grew closer and closer to his figure. He needed to calm down, or else he'd be too obvious for Genya.

Muichiro found himself walking slower and slower as they reached the premises. He knew that the moment they set foot inside the school, this feeling would be over and they'd have to go their separate ways. That's what he feared the most, for he wanted this moment to last forever. But nothing lasts forever.

He'd have to realize that sooner or later. Or else somebody might just break the news to him.

Word Count: 938

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