A guide to the dragon tribes of Pureland

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In the grounds of Pureland, three dragon tribes thrive: MistWings, who are known for their mysterious ceremonies to gain power; DustWings, dragons that are able to withstand unbelievable heat; and StarWings, tribe full of knowledge and prestige.

//Pureland is Pyrrhia 10 000 years B.S.//

Undertribes: ColdWings, CurrentWings and SongWings

Leader: Mistseer
Oracle: Fang

Description: Dragons with scales of any color of rainbow, usually with interesting markings, such as stripes, spots, or cloud-like swirls. Have long graceful horns and tails. Most ColdWings have long icicle-like scuff. CurrentWings have webbed talons and gills. All have huge wings great for swimming or tree-gliding, but the tribe doesn't have many great fliers.

Abilities: All have the power to change the brightness of their scales, from dull gray to eye-bleeding vibrant. ColdWings have freezing venom in their talons. CurrentWings can breathe underwater and some are known to be able to make water apperar out of nowhere. SongWings can hypnotize their prey by singing special notes. Also can blend in their surrounding like chameleons.

Ancestors of: IceWings, SeaWings and RainWings

Undertribes: GoldWings (known), Earthborn (legends)

Queen: Queen Cobra
General: General Snap

Description: Brown and/or yellow heavy-built dragons. Have straight, short horns and small wings. To survive through heat, have rough fur at their spine. Royal dragons have markings under their eyes. GoldWings have more shiny scales than DustWings, some even pure gold.

Abilities: Can withstand dangerous heat and survive without water. Up to 3/4 of all DustWings have the ability to breathe fire. GoldWings may be able to move object. Legend sais that Earthborn were so powerful they could control other dragons.

Ancestors of: MudWings and SandWings


Last known queen: Skykeeper

Description: Tribe disappeared hundreds of years ago, only things remembered are that they were any shade of blue, with different wingshape each.

Abilities: No remembered abilities.

Ancestors of: SkyWings and NightWings

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