Chapter Eight

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Chris couldn't help but grin as he walked through the big silver gates; cheers and claps erupted through the cast and crew members.
Mark and Chadwick came over to pat his back, as everyone else surrounded the man asking questions like "where have you been?"or "what happened?"
But the second his blue eyes met someone's green ones, everyone's talking became nothing but a distant white noise. Scarlett had watched the interaction from a distance, straight faced.

She just couldn't bring herself to greet him.
She wished she could, but it was like she had forgotten how to move. She stood cemented in her spot besides the trailers. The only direction she found herself able to move was backwards. Away from what she wanted to next to the most.

Chris slowly brought his attention back to the others, as Scarlett slowly faded away. "I wasn't feeling too well, had a terrible flu and didn't want to give it to the baby," he teased, ruffling Tom's hair. Tom let out an annoyed groan and walked away from the man.

After engaging in a few conversations,
Chris politely excused himself to go back to his trailer, and as he was about to walk away Robert stopped him and whispered "Go talk to her man,"

He sat on his sofa, in his trailer, he reminded himself he needed to clean it- he had been gone too long and it was overdue for a good dust- unsure of what to do, he decided to finish what he started writing a few days ago, as he wrote all he could think about was one Scarlett Johansson.

He decided to follow Downey's advice and talk to the woman who had cursed his thoughts.

Luckily on his behalf, she wasn't that hard to search for; he had found her in her trailer, staring into the oblivion. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly, a tell-tale sign she was think about something serious. Either that or someone had farted.

"Scar?" Her eyes drifted away slowly from the patch of wall she had been staring at, and her head snapped towards Chris, nearly giving herself whiplash.

"Chris, I- can we talk?" She asked, nervously.

"Um, sure, I guess. Meet me at my trailer? I need to talk to the Russo's. I'll meet you in a bit?" Chris stumbled, matching the tense feeling in the air. In the- what felt like hundreds- of years Scarlett had known Chris, it had never been this awkward between them. Ever.

"Okay, yeah. Sure." She mumbled, picking up her denim jacket, making her way over to his trailer, which was only two down from hers.

She entered the grey rectangular vehicle and took her shoes off, the amount of time spent in the trailers it was only right to treat it like an actual home.

Her eyes drifted around the small room, and to her surprise it was... empty.

Well, not empty, but it might as well be. There was nothing but a pullout, a TV and and a couple of shelves filled with books and a small kitchen.

The last time she was in here (a few days before the argument) it had a much more homely feeling, perhaps it was because of what happened she didn't feel comfortable in his trailer now. But that didn't excuse the emptiness.

Curiosity overtook her and she decided to look around, her delicate fingers traced the variety of different book. Self care. Horror. Drama. Adventure. Any genre you liked Chris had, she always knew he read a lot. Her movements paused when she found the book she bought him a few years ago for his birthday.
A signed copy of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' by George Orwell. It was when he went through his sci-fi phase, a smile formed slightly on her face, it was the first time in a week she had smiled.

She opened the white case and gently flicked through the ancient yellow stained pages. As she did so, an envelope fell out.

She put the book back in it's place and picked it up, she grated her teeth with indecisiveness. Should she open it? It wasn't labelled to anyone... something in her told her to open the envelope, however she didn't want to invade his privacy, she already upset him.
Plus, if he had hidden it that means he doesn't want anyone to read it... right?

A door opening made her jump and automatically shove the envelope into her bag, Chris came in and frowned at her suddenly tense position.

"Are you okay?" He dragged suspiciously, eyes thinning.
"Yup! Never better!" She said a bit too quickly, however Chris decided to ignore her odd behaviour, it was Scarlett after all.

"What did you wanna talk about?"

"Um listen," he voice suddenly becoming more serious "about that day, I just wanted to say that I, I am really sorry Chris,"

Chris let out a sigh of understanding, he didn't really want to talk about it, "Listen, we both said some things we don't mean, it's okay I had a lot of time to think about it and I forgive you."

"No, Told you to kill yourself Christopher, that's inexcusable. I really, really didn't mean it. I just- I woke and rose was gone, ya know? I know it's not an excuse but I was really angry. And worried. Just- everything I said I didn't mean, that's all I wanna say but I don't want you to forgive me. I would feel guilty to know I said such horrible things and you being the brilliant man you are you said you forgave me even though you didn't," she rambled, hands flying everywhere to emphasis her points "actually forgive me, ya know. So don't say you do if you don't. Just be honest because I love you, I do."

Chris didn't say anything, he stood there for a good few seconds, before the leaped onto Scarlett, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. A large smiled spread across her happy face, "I missed you." She whispered, rubbing his head.

"I missed you too."

Sorry for the short and delayed update... As I told ya'll my brothers birthday was on Saturday so I had to push the date, but then I got sick (still am) and I think I have Covid but it's eid tomorrow and I'm not gonna be under lockdown for eid... ESPECIALLY NOT WHEN IM WATCHING THOR SOON😭😭🤣🤣
Also don't mind the photo in the chapter, it's what Chris' TV looks like😭🤣 random af I know but oh well

Anywaysss love you guys 3000🤍🤍🤍

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