Chapter 4

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It was Mr Micky. Why him of all people?

"So you like Duyduy, Yusouf. You know that dating is not allowed at school. Even though you are not at school now. I'll be watching you so be careful, okay?" Mr Micky said with an evil smile.

Is he threatening me?
I went home upset and a bit sad as I don't have the courage to date Duyduy.

Mr Micky POV

I was walking back home after talking to that good-for-nothing Yusouf guy.

How dare him? Trying to date my Duyduy? Wait did I just say 'my'?
I'm going crazy. Why does she affects me like this. Relationship between a teacher and a student is prohibited. I must try to forget her.

What about ignoring her? As from Monday I will talk only to Pikpik so that she annoy me and I will not think of Duyduy anymore. But the side effects of this plan is that I will return home with a headache and that Duyduy is so cute how could I ignore her?
Whatever I must forget her!
I ate some chips with chilly then went to bed.


"Duyduy. Duyduy. What are you doing? Don't put your hand there... It's hot." I told her.

I took hold of her naked hand. It was about to touch my oven. We were baking a cake to celebrate her 20 over 20 points in maths.

"Thank you Micky" she said
"Did you just call me by my name without using the 'Mr'. Looks like you'll be punished"
Bip Bip Bip
"Oh the cake is ready" I said
Bip Bip Bip Bip Bip Bip Bip Bip
I opened my eyes. Oh it was only a dream. Why!?

Duyduy (POV)

It's Monday and I am late for school. Mom didn't wake me up.
As I arrived at school, I went to take my lateness and ran to French class.

"Good morning miss. Excuse me for being late." I said as I walk in the class.

"Good! As you are late bring me your copybook so that I can correct your homework." said the French teacher, Mrs Abricot.
Oops I didn't do it. What do I do now?

"Well I forgot to do my work Miss." I replied in a low voice.

"What? Don't give me stupid excuses, just go to your place." Mrs Abricot said severely

"Can someone else bring me his copy book?" She asked.

Pikpik raised her hand and said: "Miss, I want to show you my work."


"Well done Pikpik. You did a nice job, I am happy to see that I have a hard working student." Mrs Abricot said.

Pikpik went to her desk happily as if she had won a prize while I'm feeling very bad.

During the morning break Yusouf came to comfort me because of what happened earlier. He even brought me a milkshake.

"A day without smiling is a day lost." He said with a smile.
This guy is so sweet

Micky (POV)

"What is going on between them? Didn't I warn that idiot not to get close to her? Hmmm looks like he did not get it. Why am I even observing them?" I said to myself.

Well I have to start ignoring Duyduy. I never knew that it's going to be difficult to ignore someone. I have to go back to my classroom; the morning break is going to be over soon.

The class with Duyduy was very hard, every time I gave a classwork, that annoying girl came to ask me stupid questions, also, Duyduy decided to sit next to Yusouf.

Later Mr Oreo came in the class, He asked if he could talk to Duyduy for a moment. I wondered what he had to asked her, I just hope she didn't get herself in trouble again.


Duyduy (POV)

What does Mr Oreo has to say? I hope I haven't done something wrong.

"Duyduy do you want to be the head girl? I thought you would do great if you had that post." The strange man said.

"And what made you think that I had the potential of having this title?" I asked giving him a shy smile.

"Well I think you are a good student. You are independent and someone responsible." He said.

"I'll give you two weeks to think about this. You may now go to your classroom." he finally said.

Yusouf (POV)

School was over, I was about to go home when I saw that weirdo. He looked furious, he glared at me severely. He's eyes seemed like they were threatening me. But he did not come to talk to me.

Did he really think that I was going to stay away from that girl just because he told me to.

When I arrived home, I put some music and went to take a bath.

"I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right perhaps that's my reality." I sang thinking about Duyduy.
And then I went to sleep.


It's Tuesday. After the form period I went to do chemistry with Mrs Frida. She was explaining the chapter Organic Chemistry when the Rector of the school entered.
We stood up to greet him. Then he announced:
"Yusouf James can you come to my office? There's something important I want to discuss with you."

He didn't, did he?

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