Chapter 32

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Yusouf (POV)

I was lying on my bed, thinking about how Duyduy broke my heart into millions of pieces. How could she do such an abominable act? I cannot believe it, leaving me, Yusouf James, for that atrocity. 

I was lost in my thoughts when my dear cousin entered. 

"What do you want?" I felt annoyed. 

"Just checking, my favourite bakka!" She said, smiling at me as if she was mocking me.

"I told you that Duyduy was never good for you, she never matched our standard of living. But, you insisted and now you have to pay for the consequences." She said. "And not to forget that she is in love with the teacher." She laughed. 

"Are you here to add salt in my wounds?" I asked.

"Of course not bakka. I'm here to console you." She replied.  "You need to move on." She added. 

"I guess I have an idea!" She excitedly said. "Actually,  I guess you should go and meet some other people in our standard. How about we go out today to find you a soulmate." 


After tea time, Nanami took me to a strange sushi restaurant.  

What's on that girl's mind?

There we took a seat and the server came to ask us about what we were going to eat. I could see that my stupid cousin could not stop blushing. Well, the guy seemed to have a very particular style. He was tall, well built and had red hair. I looked around and saw that all the teenage girls in the room couldn't stop looking at him. 

"Do you know that guy?" I asked my cousin.

"Of course yes. I mean I don't personally know him, not even his name. But the way he talks, he moves gives me butterflies." She said.

After some time, I saw a familiar face approaching our table. It was our dear Raiden. 

"What are you doing here? Where is the red headed guy?" Nanami asked, annoyed. 

"Well, Shannos is my brother. He is in the kitchen for the meantime, that's why I'm serving you." Raiden said before leaving. 

So they are brothers. 

"Guess you have a chance, Nanami" 

After eating, my cousin and I went to meet Shannos in the kitchen. 

"Hi Shannos!" My stupid cousin said.  She was trembling like leaves in autumn.

"Hi there, do I know you?" He asked, surprised by our visit. 

"Actually no, but we are Raiden's best friends." She said.

If we could even say friend.

Suddenly, Nanami's phone started ringing, she went outside to pick it up. 

In the meantime I was left all alone with Shannos. 

"So, how do you do that? I mean I've seen that every single girl in that room couldn't take their eyes off of you." I said.

"Oh little boy, this is what I call 'The Shannos Effect'." He proudly said.

"Seeing that sight, I must say that I envy you, Shannos. If you wouldn't mind, could you teach me how you do that?" I said. 

"Why should I? Why do you want to be like me?Even if you have a nerdy style, you are quite good looking and would definitely find a girlfriend. I don't think you need to become like me." Shannos replied. 

I looked down at my feet and I avoided his gaze. 

" Oh I see! Someone broke your heart." He said."It is the reason why I became like this. I was a nice guy then a girl I really loved broke my heart mercilessly. So, little boy, I guess we can say that I am a survivor. I will help you to survive too." 

"Thank you. I'm Yusouf by the way." 

"nice to meet you. When can I come to your house to clean your wardrobe?" 

"What?" I asked

"Look little boy, If you want to become like me you need to change your dressing style. If you're free tomorrow I can pay you a small visit." He said.

"But how will you come over, my mom will be present." I explained. 

"You're such a mommy's boy, just find some excuse." He said, putting his arm on my shoulder. Then he gave me his number. "So now on, little boy, you can consider me as your teacher. Call me sensei." 

We were discussing about tomorrow's meeting when my stupid cousin barged in. 

"Oh… Shannos sorry to disturb you, but my cousin and I need to go now. Bye!" She waved at him.


Before going to sleep I told my mom that my best friend, Raiden broke his arms and that his brother would come over to get the notes tomorrow morning. 

"Raiden? I've never heard that name from you." my mom commented. 

"Well, actually Nanami doesn't like him that much, that's why I've never told you about him." I said.


As expected, Shannos was already here. He parked his bike in the garden and looked at my house, he seemed quite amazed.  

"Wow… I guess everyone in my brother's class is rich. Even she has a big mansion." He said. He seemed a little bit disturb. 

"Who?" I asked.

"No one." His answer seemed pretty cold.

We went inside and he was actually greeted by my mom. 

"You must be Raiden' brother. Kids nowadays don't take care of themselves, I hope his arm is doing better. May he get well soon" My mom said. Shannos glared at me.

We went to my room. 

"What happened to my brother?" He asked. 

"Actually,  I told her that he broke his arm so that you can come over to collect 'NOTES'." I explained. 

"You're pretty cunning." He said. Then he laid down on my bed as if he was at his place. How insolent. I like it. 

"Pretty comfortable!" he commented. " So now let's see what you've got here." He got up and started walking in the direction of my wardrobe. 

"Well… Guess if you want to become like me, you should give all that as donations. There are no leather jackets, no boots,  no nice coloured T-shirts like red. Everything is like what a 12 year old kid will wear. All that needs to be changed." He said.  "And also, you need to change that hairstyle, you look a little nerdy with it, so boring. No girls will look at you if you keep that hairstyle." 

I guess he is going to make me a copy of him.

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