Chapter 45

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Smilka (POV)

I was enjoying my breakfast peacefully in the dining area. When suddenly out of nowhere, my father appeared next to me. I almost had a heart attack. 

"Well… little one, I have some good news for you." He said. Seeing his facial expressions, I doubted if it was really good news.

"Do you remember the other time, when I told you that I would look for a job for you? Actually, yesterday I met an old friend who told me that a friend of his knew someone who was looking for a waitress." He explained. "Also, they serve Japanese cuisine there. It might help you for your studies. " He added.

Then he told me to get ready as we were going to meet the manager of the restaurant. After some minutes of driving, we came across a small house. Even if it was small, it was quite cute. It had a small garden. 

My father knocked at the door.

"I'm coming!" I heard a feminine voice. The woman came and opened the door. She was beautiful and had grey-green eyes. 

"How can I help you?" She asked. 

"Actually, I'm Mr Johnson and this is my daughter Smilka. I heard that you were looking for a waitress for your restaurant." My father replied. 

"Oh… I see. Don't stand outside like this. Come inside." She said. 

We sat on the couch and she served us some coffee. My father was discussing with her about me. 

"I went to your restaurant earlier and saw that it was closed. I couldn't wait to talk with you about the job. I was afraid that it would be already taken by the time I come again. So I asked my friend, Mr Franky, I think you should know him. Your husband's best friend, for your address. I'm so sorry to burden you but I was so eager to get my daughter her first job."

"No. Don't worry, it's okay." the woman said. 

"Hey Mom! One of my grey socks has disappeared!" I heard a familiar voice."I guess that little idiot misplaced them!" The individual said, before turning to face us. Seeing his face, I almost spat my coffee. It was Shannos.

What is he doing here? Am I hallucinating?  

He looked at me, surprised at first then he smirked at me.

"Oh… Mom, we have some unexpected guests today." He said before taking a seat next to his mother.

"Yes son. The man here is Mr Johnson and--" 

"Yes mom, I know them." He said, then extended a hand for my father to shake. "How have you been Mr Johnson?" then he looked at me with that stupid, adorable smirk on his face showing a dimple on his left cheek, "Smilka! Long time no see." 

I gave him a shy smile then looked away when my dad started to speak again. 

"I am fine. I forgot your name. Can you remind me of it please?" my dad asked. 

"Shannos, sir." 

"Yeah, right. You had lunch with us the other day, didn't you?" 

"Yes, sir." Shannos replied. 

"I was just asking your mother if Smilka could work at your restaurant during the holidays. What do you think? Can she be a waitress?" 

"Oh. Yes, why not? I think she would be a great waitress, with my help of course." He glanced at me. I froze. 

I am in such a mess, would I even get out alive. I have about 4 weeks to go with that creep roaming around me. Guess it will be a holiday in hell.

"How about you start tomorrow morning at 7 am?" He suggested. "Make sure to be on time, actually I don't like my employees coming late. It makes me want to punish them." He added.

"Yeah… I actually wanted to say that you shouldn't be too kind with Smilka. I want her to be independent, so that she can take over my business later in life." Father added. 

What kind of nightmare is this? Will I ever wake up from it? Am I dead? 


After some time, we left his place. I have a long day tomorrow, I guess it will be the last day of freedom.


I woke up at 6AM to prepare myself for my job. After having my breakfast, I went directly to that Japanese restaurant. 

If only I had taken my Japanese lesson seriously, I wouldn't have been here today.


It was 6: 58 am when I arrived at the restaurant. Shannos was unlocking the front door. 

I got out of my car. 

"Wow! You are early. Good start." He winked at me. 

"Good morning, boss?" I asked. 

"Oh please don't call me that. And I am not the boss. It is my dad. Just call me Shannos or if you would like to give me a nickname like: my prince charming, my love, sweetheart or darling, I would be ecstatic." He smiled. 

"I think 'Shannos' is better." I said, not letting him see my amusement. 

He explained to me how to do the work while flirting a little and making some jokes. Maybe it will not be hell as I expected it to be. 


I was serving a plate of sushi when I heard a voice I knew. I turned to see who it was and was quite surprised to see Mrs Aja and Mr Oreo talking to the manager. It is strange to see clients talking to a manager when they didn't even eat. 

I wonder what they are talking about. Driven by curiosity, I went closer to try to catch a glimpse of what they were saying. 

When suddenly I heard "It's not good spying on people." It was Shannos. Again. 

After a few seconds, I saw Raiden entering the restaurant. 

"Late as usual!" Shannos commented. "Can't you be on time for only one day?" He added. Raiden just looked at him then he waved at me, before making his way to the kitchen. 

Seems like these two brothers are not in a good relationship. How I wish I had siblings. They don't know how lucky they are. 

I was so distracted by them that I forgot Mr Oreo and Mrs Aja. 

"Guys." The manager, Shannos' mother said. "The couple that was talking to me, asked if we could serve at their marriage. If all of you are okay with it we shall accept the offer." She said. 

What? How wealthy they are to ask a restaurant to serve at their marriage. 

As everyone agreed, the manager confirmed the details with my teachers. Who would know that one day I would serve at my teachers' marriage. What a life full of surprises!

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