Chapter 40

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Smilka (POV)

Today, we will receive our mark book. I am so anxious. Since I met Shannos, I cannot focus on my studies. I have been distracted by him. He is on my mind every day and every night. Since I slapped him, I did not get any news from him. I hope he is not holding a grudge against me. But it was his fault. He should not have kissed me without my consent. He stole my first kiss but I don’t know why, I cannot get mad at him. It is as if I have two different people in my head. One part of me wants to kiss him again and the other wants to get as far as possible from him. Who does he think he is? Does he think that he is so handsome and all the girls should fall in his arms and that he rules the world?

I was suddenly angry. And the most annoying thing is that I did not know if I was angry with him or myself. I was frowning, my brows making a severe ‘V’ on my forehead.

“What’s wrong Smilka?” I turned my head to the left and saw Pikpik. Since our physics project, we grew really close and we are now friends. Even if she is quite annoying sometimes.

“Nothing. I’m just thinking about the mark book. I don’t think my father will be happy about it.” I replied.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

Then Miss Aja entered class. To distribute our mark book. As expected this semester, my grades are not as my father expected. Everything was alright except for Japanese and German.

My father expects me to know at least five foreign languages so that I could take over the company one day.

During the entire day I was thinking about what excuse I should give my father. Maybe I should tell him that my Japanese teacher gave us something we never did before and the German teacher was absent half the semester.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the bell ringing, it was quite early to go home. All the pupils left the classroom and went to the gymnasium. There, on the podium stands Mrs Aja, Mr Oreo and our dear Principal.

"Dear student. We are all gathered here to congratulate Miss Aja and Mr Oreo who are getting married during the holidays." The Principal said. Everyone applauded.

I could hear everyone whispering about the news.

"Well... I did have some doubts about them."
"Ouou… romance in school." "They are quite good together. " ''Well two annoying people together. What a duo?" "A couple made in heaven. Guess it's destiny which joined them together or the school did." "Hahah Mr Jamon is playing cupid."

"Silent please!" Aja said. "Actually Mr Oreo and I are happily inviting all of you, your parents and the staff of the school to all our marriage ceremonies." Then a small envelope was distributed to everyone.

After school, I went home. My father was impatiently waiting for me near the door.

"So…Smilka, I heard that you got your mark book today!" He said, smiling at me like a monkey.

"Yeah…" I said feeling irritated, while handing him the booklet. He started analysing the report.

"What…? B in German and a C in Japanese. I'm getting a heart attack. Are you really my daughter? Nobody in this family ever got a C." He expressed, placing a hand on his chest. 

What a drama queen.

"Well...Actually I can explain. You know the Japanese teacher gave us something we never learnt before and that German teacher was not that regular. Guess she was absent half the semester. It's not really my fault."

"I've told you a lot of times, Smilka. To be a great business woman you should not depend on anyone. So you should stop blaming your teachers. I guess I'll look for a job for you during the holidays so that you could learn how to become independent and you will contribute a little bit instead of playing video games all day long." He said.

What did I do to deserve all that? It's all because of this damn Shannos. He must be happy right now. 

Aja (POV)

I was taking a bubbly bath while drinking red wine.

Finally happiness! I wonder what Oreo's doing. Maybe thinking about me, after all I'm his future wife.

I got out of the bath and grabbed my laptop.  I installed some cameras in Oreo's apartment the other day.

He was laying down on his bed while watching a cartoon.

What a child? He's so cute! Guess we will watch cartoons together soon. I guess he is practising how to be a good dad.

"Oreo… I can't tell you how happy I am today. If only I could express how delighted I felt when I saw that look on Sheky's face when Jamon announced that we are getting married.  I mean… I quite understand her, she pushed you away because she wanted to be with Jack only. You were like a little dog to her and now she has no one, not even you. What a shame! Well… this is all that she deserves for making my life miserable. I hope she remains unhappy all her life."

Suddenly, Oreo stood up from the bed. I switched cameras so that I could see where he was going. He took his phone and then placed it to his ear. Then, I heard my phone ring.

Was he calling me?

I took my towel, wrapped it around me and practically ran to get my phone. It was Oreo as I expected.

I picked it up.

Aja: Hello? Oreo? What a surprise! Why are you calling me at this hour?

Oreo: Hi. I was just making sure that you were fine and did not need anything.

Aja: No, I'm fine. I was taking a bath when you called.

Wouldn’t it be great if I could see your face right now? I’m sure your cheeks are as red as a tomato.

He stayed silent for a moment.

Aja: Oreo? Are you still there?

Oreo: Yes… Hmmm… I think I should probably hang up. Sleep tight Aja and sweet dreams.

He hung up.

Ooh… Oreo. Who could have thought that you would even call me at night, to ask if I’m doing well. I love you so…much. If only you knew.

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