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Waano abuur baa ka horeysay ~Character bests advice...a person cannot change his/her basic character once it has been formed even with coucil.

a person cannot change his/her basic character once it has been formed even with coucil

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Shermake's childhood best friend was a small stray cat that slipped in through the gates on his window and sat at his feet until he woke up. He wasn't too sure when he met the feline, but he was always grateful for the company. The cat was white with brown and black spots, and often licked and pawed at its own ears. A small irregular shaped black blotch sat on its chest that reminded him of a date. He tried the name out, but the cat wasn't as cooperative as he'd hoped.

"I don't like it. Give me another name," the cat said, pushing his paws on his thin bedsheets.

"I can't think of anything else. And stop doing that, I'm gonna get in trouble."

Shermakee reached for the cat, who rolled over and bit playfully at his hands, capturing his fingers.


"Why don't you name him Shaax? That's what the brown looks like."

Shermake sat up straight, and Shaax's tail shot up. Shermake's heart was still racing when he realized that it was only his brother. Shermake didn't even want to think about the trouble he'd be in if it was his father who found him talking to a cat.

Tawfiq's eyes were twinkling with a quiet joy as he crossed the floor to lift the small cat in his hands and scratch the spot between its ears. He'd always had the same affinity for animals that Shermake did.

"You scared me. I thought you were Aabo," Shermake said, rising to try and take back the animal in his hands.

"If I were Aabo, you think you'd be alive right now?" Tawfiq said. He laughed, and Shermake couldn't help but laugh too.

It was easy to feel comforted by just the mere presence of his older brother. Tawfiq's tall, thin figure was like an old, reliable tree. His thick hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail that their father always wished that Tawfiq would shave, but Shermake loved the softness, and fullness of his hair.

Shermake instantly felt, as he and others often did, taken by his brother's easy humour and charisma. His father, however, felt compelled to constantly remind him to be more serious, to "be a man," but even he wasn't stoic enough to resist a smile or a chuckle when Tawfiq would tell stories or jokes when the three ate together. Their family was many things, but it was one full of laughter.

Shaax came to visit the brothers every now and again, and Tawfiq had the idea to start preparing small meals for the cat. Shermake thought it was ridiculous, but quickly got jealous when the cat responded by licking Tawfiq's fingers. It was clear he had a favourite. He wished he thought of that earlier, but at least he could prepare a tiny dish of milk next to the entree.

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