Chapter 2

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Apparently the way-too-cheerful woman wanted to get barbecued today. Seriously? Telling her dad she was a threat?

"My daughter is not a threat," Jacob Scott snarled, his face turning red with anger.

"Oh, I see," the woman said, looking at Jo in amusement. Jo felt her heart sink to her stomach, knowing what was likely to be revealed to her dad within moments. From a stranger, no less. "She never told you."

Jo found herself avoiding his gaze as it flicked to her, and his frown deepened–he knew how Jo acted when she was feeling guilty.

"Well, that's actually a good thing," she said brightly. "Then we don't need to quarantine you while we determine what you know and the level of paperwork required. This will just be basic confidentiality agreements."

"My dad deserves to know," Jo said, forcing the words out around the tightness in her throat. She didn't know what they had planned for her, but she had trouble believing she'd see her parents again anytime soon. And she didn't want them left forever wondering what had taken their daughter away.

"Jo..." Jo stayed focused on the woman, not looking at her dad. She couldn't right now.

The woman shrugged. "Your choice, though you have about five minutes to make it. We're on a schedule and if my team has to do extra paperwork, that takes up valuable time."

"My mom?"

"Jo!" Her dad sounded furious.

"You'll see her exiting the car if you willingly walk out of here in handcuffs. I'm sure you understand why the extra precaution."

Maybe...maybe there would be a chance then. Handcuffs made it harder, but she and Ryker had practiced her using her ability without needing her hands to direct it. If she could make sure her mom was clear of these people, then maybe...

Jo took a deep breath and then nodded before turning to her dad, finally meeting his thunderous expression. "Can we talk in the kitchen real quick?" she asked, already moving in that direction before he responded. She didn't doubt that the lady from hell would hold her to five minutes down to the second, and that was a very small amount of time for both an explanation and a goodbye.


"Please, Dad."

He sucked in a quick, frustrated breath and headed her way, his hand landing on her arm. It was sweet and heartbreaking if he thought that was going to stop her from going. She couldn't let her mom stay with these people, and none of them would have a choice anyways. Not if they were here because of her fire powers. But maybe she could get away... though what about her mom? Her dad? Could she take her parents and they all hide away in Jackson's Hollow? They would probably find them there, too.

"I'm fine with it," the woman said, waving them toward the kitchen. "But Timothy is going to hang out in the doorway." The muscle-y guy stepped forward, his eyes on Jo. He didn't look angry or anything, just sort of...carefully blank. Like an intense blankness. It was hard to describe, but it looked like a carefully cultivated expression.

Maybe he had practiced in the mirror.

Jo couldn't care less what Timothy did. She marched into the kitchen and spun around, hands raised as she pulled out of her dad's grasp. "I was trying to tell you right before they got here."

"About something that happened months ago?" her dad demanded, "Jo, what the hell is going on?"

"I can control fire." She spat out the words she had been holding in from them. "I know I should've told you when it happened, but I was so freaked out and–just look."

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