Chapter 22

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"Werewolf is just another name for a shapeshifter," Diego said, unimpressed.

"No, not in this case," Jo said, "Or at least I think it's different."

"I could shift with your stupid handcuffs on, if I wanted," Ryker said, "Pretty sure I could break them." Or maybe he couldn't and his hands would pop off, but he knew the power suppressing part wasn't the problem. "That's why the copycat can't shift like me."

"There's no such thing as werewolves," Cal said, rolling his eyes. "That's like saying Santa Claus is real. Or the Tooth Fairy."

"Uh-huh, because it's so hard to stretch the imagination that far when you can literally shoot fireballs or lift things with your mind," Jo said, crossing her arms over her chest. She was still between Ryker and Diego, which Ryker didn't like. The idea of her using herself as a shield or barricade was frustrating, but he would undermine her if he grabbed her right now.

"There's a difference between believing mutants exist and believing folk tales are real," Diego countered. The last two team members must have realized there was some kind of serious discussion happening because now they were also heading over, expressions filled with a mix of trepidation and weariness.

"Maybe werewolves were early mutants," Jo suggested.

Ryker made a face. "I don't think that's it."

Jo tossed him a frown. "Look, I'm just offering possibilities."

"What's going on?" Wes asked, rubbing the back of his neck, looking tired. "More fighting?"

"The dog thinks he's a werewolf," Cal said.

Wes shrugged. "Well, he does turn into a wolf."

"No, moron, like a real werewolf with the silver and full moon and everything."

"The full moon thing is a myth," Ryker said, unamused. Yes, maybe there was a stronger urge to shift during the full moon and the mental link between wolves was stronger then, but it wasn't some crazy compulsion. His Alpha instincts sharpened but didn't make him wild. He didn't get the urge to eat people and run rampant over the countryside.

"So what about vampires?" Malachi asked seriously. He actually sounded like he might believe Ryker. "Or faeries. Or witches."

Ryker shrugged. "I've just heard rumors about most of those." Except fae. He knew fae were real.

Wes leaned forward, a strange sparkle in his eye as Ryker's words piqued his interest. "Wait. There are rumors? Like vampires might be real?"

"An immortal Wes, just what we need," Cal grumbled, rolling his eyes–it was obvious he still wasn't putting much stock in Ryker's story. But Ryker didn't care so much about Cal. If Diego believed him, he had a feeling the rest of the team would fall in line with covering up what Ryker was. Even if they didn't think it was any different from shapeshifting.

"Okay, off topic," Diego said, shaking his head, studying Ryker intently. "So you think you're immune to the power blocking cuffs?"

"Wait, I missed that part," Wes said, sitting up straighter. He gave Diego a look Ryker couldn't exactly interpret. "Diego, forget the rest, if that's the case–that could be really helpful."

"Helpful with what?" Ryker asked suspiciously. Wild guess, but it sounded an awful lot like going back to being a lab experiment.

Diego nodded, ignoring him. "I forgot about that for a moment, but you're right. That's the ability we should focus on exploring, isn't it?"

Jo shifted closer to Ryker, her hand on his arm as if she was about ready to grab him and make a run for it. While Ryker didn't totally object to that idea, he doubted it would be successful in broad daylight in front of a team who was suddenly deciding he was useful. And not someone they wanted to let get away.

So he took the opportunity to pull Jo closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. Now they could protect each other.

"Guys, maybe why don't you include the person you're talking about in this discussion?" Jo said, frowning before she looked up at Ryker. Ryker nodded. Exactly.

"Yeah, that'd be kinda nice." Ryker grinned, letting his canines grow and sharpen just a little–"If you want me cooperative, that is." Not that he was feeling particularly cooperative. But...Jo was affected by the power bracelets from what she'd said. So if this led to figuring out a way to neutralize them, that might help Jo escape annnnnnnd Ryker might be willing to play along.

Didn't hurt to make them work for it though.

"Your bad dental job doesn't freak us out," Cal said, making a face at Ryker.

Ryker didn't react. Cal was sore that he couldn't copy Ryker's ability. It was probably doing some psychological damage to the copycat.

"Sorry, dude," Wes said. He gave a weak laugh. "Got excited. You really think the cuffs don't work on you?"

"I know they don't," Ryker said, smirking.

"He's delusional," Cal said, rolling his eyes, "Don't let him pull you into his idiocy, Wes."

"Says the guy who can't copy his power," Jo said. She scowled at him, her hand on her hip, then jerked her chin in Ryker's direction. "Go on, do it."

"Hold on," Malachi said, lifting a hand, his brow furrowed. "It's going to start looking suspicious if Cal doesn't shift."

Diego nodded. "Cal, try again."

"I am." Cal's teeth were gritted in a look similar to one dealing with an unfortunate case of  constipation.

Greatly pleased, Ryker took Jo's arm and pulled her to him. With a smug smile as the silence lengthened and nothing happened, he wrapped his arms around her.

Wes looked deep in thought as he studied Cal, then Ryker. Then he shared a look with Diego–if Ryker didn't know better, he'd think these guys were part of their own werewolf pack and were communicating telepathically right now.

"What now?" Diego finally asked.

"Nothing what now, it's just taking me a little longer," Cal said, narrowing his eyes at Ryker.

"Don't take it personally," Ryker said, not trying very hard to hide his growing smirk. "Not your fault you don't have the werewolf gene."

Their reactions were instantaneous. Diego grabbed Cal's arm before the guy could jump at Ryker, while Ryker bared his teeth in warning, ignoring Jo's shoving at his chest.

Then she grabbed his ear and twisted.

"Hey!' Ryker scowled down at her. "Whose side are you on?"

"Ours, of course, but let's not escalate things when we don't have to."

Diego shook his head. "While your ability to not be copied could be helpful in some ways to us, Ryker, I'm concerned that it may take a while for Wes to figure out how to make use of it, and in the meantime, I'm worried the higher-ups will start to wonder why Cal isn't using your ability."

"They wouldn't put it down to just another ability of Ryker's?" Jo asked hopefully.

Wes shook his head. "Even if they did, they'd be concerned about their inability to control Ryker the way they control the rest of us. They'll go one of three ways, or maybe try all of them–experiment on him to see if they can harness and figure out his gene, demand to know everything about his heritage and mutation, or put him down if they don't think there's a chance of controlling him."

Ryker's hackles rose as Jo paled, and he couldn't help the involuntarily warning growl that escaped him. None of those options were acceptable.

"So how about you all help us get out of here before any of that happens?" Ryker said, challenging them. "After all, you say you're the good guys right?"

"Yeah, good guys who don't want to get killed for helping you escape, moron," Cal spat.

At this point, Ryker could finally just ignore the guy–if he just thought of him as a hot-tempered, sulky Blake, it was easy to remember that Cal was a lot of bark and likely very little bite. Therefore, not a threat. "Well," Ryker said with a shrug, "let's come up with an option then that doesn't put any of the blame on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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