Chapter 18

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Ryker leaned against the wall, chest heaving as he eyed Diego with a glare. He wasn't angry about what Diego was putting him through–sure, it pissed him off a little, but it was more about what else that indicated. That Jo had been through the same thing.

And that was seriously setting him off.

"You're temperamental," Diego said, crossing his arms.

Not usually. "You must bring out the best in me."

"I shouldn't. If you're this reactive to someone you just met, I'd be seriously concerned about anyone you have a history with."

"Yeah, well, when we have a history you torturing my girlfriend, I'd say that makes for a pretty bad start to this little friendship, wouldn't you?"

Diego's eyes flashed as he moved closer, the tension in his body causing Ryker to straighten defensively. "You shouldn't let the fact she's your girlfriend affect you so much." His eyes shifted to a wall behind Ryker, then returned to him before he gave a small shake of his head. Ryker frowned, confused. He thought they knew about him and Jo? But maybe they didn't know about them being mates? Or what that really meant?

Ryker scowled. "Do you like this kind of thing? Is torture fun for you?"

Diego stared at him blankly. "Shift again."

"No," Ryker growled. He had been shifting back and forth for hours now. He wasn't even sure he could do it any more. And when he wasn't shifting, he was running through obstacle courses and dodging things that Diego was throwing at him with his mind. Which seemed ridiculous, like something out of an X-men movie. But Diego had telekinesis, and Ryker had agility on his side.

"You don't have a choice," Diego said. A tire came hurling at Ryker from the side of the room, and he dodged out of the way. Not fast enough, though; the tire smacked his arm. "Shift."

"Forget it."

The tire came after him again, but it stopped midair as Diego lifted his hand to his ear. His expressionless face wrinkled into a glare and he turned, hurrying toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Ryker asked. Did it have something to do with his team? Jo was on his team. Was Jo in trouble?

"Not your concern."

"Like hell."

"I'll be back." Diego crossed over and opened the door. Before it could close, Ryker had shifted, hurled himself forward, and flung a paw around the door, yanking it open. Since he couldn't wear the bracelets when he shifted, they were currently sitting on the floor of the room.

"Get back in there right now, you're going to make it worse–"

Whatever Diego had been about to say was cut off because he got a whiff of Jo's scent. Doors were closing and locking on their own, but Ryker raced forward down an open corridor, following his nose. Or at least he was. After a few seconds, he was lifted off the ground and then dropped from two feet. He easily landed, but Diego shoved him telekinetically into a wall.

Ryker snarled, but Diego had his face pressed up against the wall so that he couldn't bite at Diego's face even if he wanted to.

"You are making this situation worse," Diego hissed quietly, once he was right in front of Ryker's face. "Stop acting crazy when it comes to Jo."

Ryker growled and shifted back, hoping to surprise Diego. Right now the only thing that filled his mind was concern for Jo, especially as the echo of her rage pounded through him, feeding into his own anger. It was impossible to hold back right now.

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