Chapter 13

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Ryker could feel it, he knew he was close. Jo could close their bond, but she couldn't hide it, and he could practically pinpoint her location now. It was almost as if they were back in Jackson's Hollow and he was at his dad's house while she was at the community college. She couldn't be any farther than that.

But with no clear idea if a road would take him to his destination or not, Ryker had parked at a local trailhead, one that was near a campsite so people might not question a truck being there for several days, and he'd taken off in wolf form. His senses were stronger as a wolf anyway, so he might pick up on her scent faster, and of course travel through the night would be easier.

He was just cresting a fill in hopes of gaining a vantage point of the land around him when a flare of panic and pain through the bond, causing him to stumble. Not again! God, what were they doing to Jo? It was the worst sort of torture to, know something terrible was happening to your mate, the most important person in your life, and there was nothing you could do about it. Helpless, he pushed at the bond, trying to force her to open her thoughts to him.


And then a sudden shock when her voice suddenly came through all of its own accord. Ryker, I wish you here with me.

He wanted to howl in pain. He wished he was there too. He wished he could help her. But all he could do was try to reassure her. He was so, so close. Her voice was so clear. Jo!? I'm close by babe, hang in there. I'll be with you soon.


Ryker couldn't help the frustrated growl that tore from him. No? Seriously? What the heck did that mean! Pain ripped through the bond, but this time it came from him. Did the distance between them not hurt her the way it did him? Was she content to just move on without him? The hurt and anger that had been building since she left Jackson's Hollow and turned herself over to the government without a word to him threatened to overwhelm him.

Jo obviously didn't feel the same bond with him that he did with her.

Maybe she didn't want to deal with their bond anymore.

Well, if that was the case, at the very least she owed him a conversation.

Finally mastering himself enough to be able to reply, Ryker spoke coolly into the mindlink, the frozen wall masking his hurt. You can explain why you left me and why you don't want me here to my face very shortly. I'll be there soon, whether or not you want me to come.

No! she sent again, but this time she flooded their bond with anguish and terror. It was as if she was wailing. You can't come here, Ryker, you can't please, please don't, go home gohomegohome–

The sheer horror at the idea of him being there–she was sending it all through their link. It literally staggered him. He had to plant his forefeet solidly. Jo, you have to calm down, I'm not going home

Her voice was a scream echoing in his head, and he scrambled around for a moment, completely unsettled. The deep-seated need to help her was overwhelming. Why don't you want me there? he demanded, yelling back through their link. Jo!


She sent it with such devastating force that it was almost a push, and he found himself taking an involuntary step back. Was that even possible, for a mate to force the other to do something?

I'm sure as hell not going now! he sent back, half-panicking. Where are you?

There was a wave of terror from her and then nothing. He yelled at their link, but it was dim again, like she was sleeping, which only sent his worry into overdrive. Was she unconscious? What was happening? What was he supposed to do?

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