Chapter 21

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"I feel like this is a trap."

"Just enjoy it," Cal said, rolling his eyes at Jo. He flopped backwards into the grass beside her. "Besides, we're already trapped. How can it be a trap when we're already locked in?"

Jo still couldn't shake her apprehensive feeling even as she enjoyed the fresh air and the sunshine that occasionally peeked through the clouds. After a tense breakfast, where Diego scowled at them anytime someone talked too loud, he had told them they were going to train outside, in a massive enclosed field. It was Jo's first time outside of the building complex since she had arrived. The fact that they were letting this happen right after Ryker joined their team did not escape her.

What was the motivation behind this? Were they trying to see if anyone followed Ryker and if they would come for him? He had told her last night that he had traveled alone. His family couldn't be happy about that.

They'll be fine, Ryker's voice rumbled in her head, And they'll be happy when I bring you home.

Stop listening in on my thoughts.

You're broadcasting again, I can't help it.

Jo ruffled her hair with one hand anxiously. Not too far away, Ryker was dodging around in his wolf form, avoiding pieces of a log that Diego was hurling at him. She and Cal had been sparring until a couple minutes ago, when they had to take a break so they could put out a fire that had caught in the grass. The goal had been to not catch the environment on fire, so that would be a penalty against them. Wes was sitting off under a tree, grumpy about being away from electronics, while Malachi took occasional shots at Diego with a paintball gun to keep him on his toes.

This was probably some kind of taunt. A way to show her and Ryker that while they could see the outside, a way to escape, they couldn't do it. Not without PsyOps coming after them.


I'm still broadcasting?! Jo huffed in frustration. She thought she'd tamped it down, was her anxiety that high?

No, but I recognize that look on your face. We got each other, we'll get through this.

Jo forced a half-smile on her face. She wished it was that simple–be optimistic and all would be right for the world. But apparently she had recently become too cynical to trust that things would always work out.

A log suddenly got tossed their way, and Cal shot backwards with a yelp while Jo took her frustration out on it, gleefully flaming it. But the fire wasn't intense enough to instantly disintegrate it, so she also had to dive out of the way.

There was a familiar growl reverberating around her before a large body blocked out the sun, placing itself between her and Diego.

"It's okay, Ryker," Jo said, sitting up. But she glared at Diego as she picked blades of grass out of her hair.

No, it's not, that could have hit you! And given you a concussion!

"They need to stay alert," Diego said mildly to Ryker, walking over despite the werewolf's warning growls. "I wouldn't have let it actually hurt them," Diego said, before squinting at Cal. "Although maybe a gentle tap as a reminder..."

Jo lunged forward and grabbed Ryker around the neck before he could spring at Diego. "He just wanted to hit Cal!" Jo groaned, knowing full well that if Ryker really wanted to, he could easily break her hold. "Not me!"

"Hey!" Cal frowned at them. "That shouldn't make a difference!"

Jo didn't even deign him with a response, wrapping herself more thoroughly around Ryker as he started to give in and settle. They all knew it totally made a difference.

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