Chapter 20

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After I put all my stuff in the moving truck, a van took me to Seoul's 'rich' neighborhood. The van stopped in front of a tall building.

Van Driver
ㅡIt's here miss. Apartment number 25. Good day.

He gave me a card and a key. I got out of the car and walked towards the building. I swiped the card and the door opened. I took the elevator up to the apartment.

I arrived in front of a pretty door, marked with a '25'. A note was on the door.

"The moving truck will come tomorrow. You have duvets for the night. You can start choosing the dorm arrangements.
Good day, director"

I put the key in the lock. When I opened the door, I landed in a large room, which would surely be the living room. None of the members were there yet.

I started taking out the duvets and installing them so that it would be ready when the members arrived.

I started to visit the apartment. It was a typical apartment for a Kpop group:

A huge living room, where we will surely have to install a dressing room, a medium-sized kitchen, two small bathrooms and 3 bedrooms, one of which is larger than the others, which would surely be those which will accommodate 4 members, unlike the other two which will welcome 3.

I sat down in the kitchen. I opened the fridge and cupboards to see if there were a few things to eat. I was happy to see that there were already yogurts, flour, eggs, sugar, butter and yeast.

Yes, the perfect ingredients to make a cake.

So I started to cook.

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