Chapter 31

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ㅡWe have a last minute shoot. We have to leave now.

ㅡIt's okay, come on girls! Let's go!


We put our plates in the dishwasher and left the apartment. A van was already waiting for us at the bottom of the building.

We got inside and he started rolling. After a few minutes, we finally arrived.

Yujin unnie didn't speak at all during the ride. She seemed really pissed off.

We found the manager and the staff. Yujin didn't even give them a look. The manager approached Mashiro unnie.

ㅡYujin is still pissed off?? I've never seen her like this!

ㅡShe didn't talk during the ride. Don't ask her to do too much today...and them too.

ㅡOkay. I will do my best.

After that, the manager took us to a 'shooting' apartment, decorated for us. There were 3 pieces: one with pretty purple flowers, one with a pink background, and one with a dark purple and green background.

We've done shoots before, but not often, and this one seemed more 'serious'. It wasn't a shoot for 'Girls Planet 999 trainees' anymore, it was a shoot for Kep1er.

They started calling members, starting with Yujin unnie, then Mashiro unnie, Xiaoting unnie, and Chaehyun unnie. I understood that they were going by age, so I expected to go right after Chaehyun unnie, but they put Dayeon first, then Youngeun, and they paused there.

Why didn't they let us through?

I still had time to look at the photos a bit, and I can tell you that I have the most photogenic group of all time.

When Youngeun came back, the manager came to talk to us.

ㅡIt was a great shoot, congratulations!

I raised my hand to ask for the floor.

ㅡY/n, Bahiyyih, Hikaru and Yeseo, you will pass now. The girls will go home without you. We're going to give you a second shoot, and you're going to have to start training even harder than usual. We have a project for you 4 only, without your unnies.

ㅡWhat as a project?

ㅡYou will see.

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