영은 Ending

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ㅡBye unnies!

ㅡSee you later unnies!

ㅡHave fun!

Youngeun and me left the group's house and took my car.

Today is a very important day.

Youngeun and me started dating 3 years ago. Kep1ians don't know because the agency didn't let us making it public.

But recently, Youngeun and I decided to pass the next step. We want to marry.

We told the agency about it. At first, they were not okay but we kind of menace them to leave the group so they accepted.

Today, we are going to Youngeun's familly's house. It's not far from Seoul, only 1 hour in a car.

We laughed a lot in the car, it helped us to destress. After one hour, we finally saw the '위정부' sign.

Youngeun already told her parents that she will come and asked her sisters to come too.

Youngeun guided me to her house. We arrived in front of a cute typical old korean house.

I parked the car and we got out of it.

We approached the door and Youngeun rang the bell.

A cute woman opened the door. I could guess at her face she was Youngeun's mother.

Youngeun's mother
ㅡYoungeun! We were waiting you! Your sisters are already he-

She turned her head and saw me.

Youngeun's mother
ㅡY/n? I didn't know you will come too! It's nice to meet you! Come inside!

We entered the house and went to the living room. All her familly were here. I introduced myself to them and them too. I can now know the names of the one I love's family: Seo Kyusong (Youngeun's father), Seo Yoosam (Youngeun's mother) and Seo Arin and Minhee (Youngeun's old sisters).

A/N: All this names are fake. Just imaginated to make the story pratical. Don't try to know things about idols' family if they are not okay with it. They need privacity.

ㅡDo you want to drink something Y/n?

ㅡIt's fine, don't worry. I don't want to bother you.

ㅡIt's fine! I can do it!

She stood up and took me a glass of wine.

ㅡOh, thanks.

I believe they saw me like an adult compared to Youngeun, even if she's only one year younger.

ㅡSo, why are you here Youngie? And why did you bring Y/n?

I don't know if they were thinking about a wedding annoncement. They did know for Youngeun and me but that was the first time we met face to face so I don't know if they knew how hard I fell for her and how serious our relation was.

ㅡYou know...it's been 3 years since Y/n and I started dating. Our relationship is more and more serious as the time passes. So...we decided to pass the next step.

ㅡWe'll marry.

They all looked very suprised. After 10 seconds of frozing, they maked smily faces and auplauded us.

Youngeun's mother started crying.

ㅡNoooo, don't cry ma'am!

I hugged her. I was really good here. I felt like they were already my family.

One of Youngeun's sister left to the kitchen and came back with a bottle.

"이제 기혼자를 위한 샴페인"

Now Champagne for
the married ones

Now Champagne for the married ones

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