Chapter 38

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It's already been at least 4 hours since we got back. The girls went to play switch in the living room while I just went and flopped into bed.

I know it's silly, but I can't stop thinking about what Iz*one's members said. Is it true?

So I don't have the courage to look the members in the eye. They asked me why I didn't want to stay with them and I told them that I was tired and needed time for myself. There, I think they eat.

*knock knock*

Maybe not after all...

I saw the two faces of Mashiro unnie and Chaehyun unnie enter the room.

ㅡHey Y/n, are you fine?

ㅡYou know, we still worry about you...

ㅡIf you have a problem you can tell us about it you know.

ㅡDon't worry, I'm fine!

ㅡOh okay...are you sure you don't want to come with us? We're going to watch Titanic.

ㅡIt'll be fine, don't worry about me.

ㅡOkay! Join us when things get better!


They left the room. I took out my phone and opened TikTok to clear my mind.

After a good hour spent on TikTok, my stomach was gurgling like never before. I got up and walked towards the kitchen. The girls didn't notice me. They started talking when "the drawing scene" arrived.

ㅡIf all love stories could be so simple...

ㅡIf it had been realistic, there would be 9 guys around her and she wouldn't know who to choose!

ㅡYou mean "If this had been our story".

ㅡExcept that she doesn't even know about it...

ㅡYaaaaa, Y/n unnie, when are you going to realize this??

I remained frozen. it true? They love me? All? All 9?

Coincidentally, it was at this moment that I dropped a pair of chopsticks on the floor. They turned around, surprised.

ㅡY/n that you?

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