Chapter 33

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We had finished only the next day, at 12 p.m. Since the beginning of our training until today, 12 p.m, we didn't eat, we didn't sleep, we didn't take breaks, we trained.

The girls fell asleep right away, but I stayed awake a little longer to make sure I knew and did the choreography as well as possible. I went to bed at 3 p.m.

I hope this project is worth it, considering all the efforts we have made.

ㅡY/N! Wake up!

I opened my eyes and my gaze met that of Yujin unnie and Mashiro unnie.

ㅡAre you okay?? I am very worried about you!

ㅡIt's 10 p.m. We have finished the fanmeeting. The manager told us that you were very tired and that you will not come. The fans were very sad. When we finished, we immediately came here and we found you all 4, lying down and asleep on the ground!

I got up. There were only three of us in the room.

ㅡWhere are the others?

ㅡThey went to buy food and drink. The girls told us that you didn't stop practicing and that you continued after they fell asleep! Don't overtrain yourself Y/n! You worry us!

I could see on their faces that they were sincere. Yujin unnie remained almost silent, as usual when she is too angry, worried or sad.

The door opened shortly after.

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