Chapter One

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The last day of school.

Finally! Sweet freedom!!

The chime of the bell never ever sounded sweeter than before. I mean, It sounded sweet before, It was the end of the day after all! But this time.. This was it. The last day of school. Students flooded the hallway like there was no tomorrow, Including myself. I stopped by a door to put one of my pens away, And waiting for one of my best friends.

I waited patiently for Stan to flood out with the rest of the students, While trying to shove a pen in my backpack. Soon enough, Stan ran out after, like, 13 million other students and bumped right into me. We collided heads. "Ahh, Shit! Sorry Y/N. I didnt see you." He mumbled quickly, Rubbing his forehead and picking up my dropped pen before putting it in my backpack and zipping it.
(Insert Danganronpa Character Meeting thingy. Yk where they show the characters name and ultimate ig? Im sorry i couldn't help but to but some anime in here-)

                    ~{}Stan Uris{}~

Best friends since the first grade, Hes smart, Funny, And even goofy at some times. Despite his serious and depressing attitude (And face..), Hes a pretty chill person and i gotta love him for that.

Before I could reply, He looked at a group of people. "Oh shit they're leaving! Lets go!" Stanley exclaimed, Pulling at my wrist and dragging me along to catch the others. Once we caught up Stan walked behind Eddie and Bill, Me in between Bill and Richie. "HEY WAIT UP, GUYS!!" Stan yelled, Tugging at Eddie's shoulder. He towered over Eddie, Being the tall man he 'almost' was. He had what was called a 'Bar Mitzvah' Coming up pretty soon, In which, Ofcourse i was invited AND going to. "Hey, Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah, anyways?" Bill stuttered, A smirk creeping up onto his face.

~{}Bill Denbrough{}~

Been best friends since the second grade, I used to have a crush on him to be honest. I dont anymore, He and I are just really close. Hes like a big brother you could say. I love that about him.

"Ed says they slice the tip of your d-di-di-dick off." "Yeah and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say, Wheres the beef!?" Richie said, Earning s few giggles from the others. "Fuck all the way off, Richie!" I chuckled, lightly slapping the back of his head before opening my mouth to speak. "At the Bar Mitzvah-"

~{}Richie Toizer{}~

Been best friends since the second grade, Im like his babysitter you could say. Once i walked in on him dancing to Madonna butt naked. Wasnt much to see. Hes a jackass, an asshole, and a bitch all in one. Like an angry pomeranian. Gotta love him though.

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah-" "Stan reads from the Torah-" "And then i make a speech, And then suddenly I become-" "Become a man!" I interrupted his whole dialog. Stan gave me a dirty look and I returned the favor.  While looking at Stan, I noticed something. Eddie. Eddie was looking at me. I then met his eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but Richie beat me to it. "Eddie, Dude, Your freaking me out. Why are you looking at Y/N like that? I know she's ugly but like chill-" Richie sneerd jokingly, Earning a hard shove from me. "Beep Beep, Richie." I laughed. "I can think of funner ways to become a man." Richie then replied to Stanley and I's mixed sentance. "'More fun'.. You mean.."  "Oh, Shit." We mumbled as we passed Bowers gang of bullies and retards. Richie pushed his glasses up uncomfortably. "Think they'll sign my yearbook? 'Dear Richie, Im sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good Summer!" I laughed quietly before stopping suddenly, Needing to use the restroom. "Shit, Hold on guys i need to go to the restroom. Dont dump your bags without me." I said, Turning to the bathroom. "N-Need a tamp-pon?" Bill snickered, making everyone else laugh. Accelt for Eddie, He scrunched up his nose and gagged in disgust. (Im sorry I know it would make sense for Richie to say that but Bill saying it makes it even funnier!) "Yeah Bill that'd be great!" I joked, Walking towards the bathroom, Gretta following not to close behind. She shoved me as she passed and i gave her a dirty look. I walked in to see Gretta tourmenting a poor girl in the bathroom stall. She groaned and kicked the stall. "Are you in there by yourself, Bever-ly? Or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh, Slut?" She spit. "I know your in there you little shit, I can smell you. No wonder why you dont have any friends." "Which is it, Gretta? Am i a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind.." A voice of a girl within a locked stall spoke. Before Gretta or anyone else could say anything i spoke up. "Hey! Back off bitch!" I said, Walking up to her. "And what are you gonna do about it- Oh, Its you. Hah! Look what we have here. Its B/N. Arent you pregnant?" She cackled. "You know what Gretta? Thas not a very nice thing to say to your **New** mom. Its your dads kid, How would he feel if he heard his precious daughter was being such a bitch at school?" I shot back at her. She gave me a disgusted look and looked back to her friends. "Lets go, girls." She muttered and walked out angirly with a bunch of girls. "You can come out now, They left." I said, knocking on the stall door. A taller girl, With long, ginger hair slicked back into a ponytail opened the door hesitantly. "Thanks.. Thank god its the last day of school." She chuckled sarcastically. I extended my hand. "Y/N. Y/N L/N." "Beverly, Marsh." She placed her hand in mine and we shook. "You got a tampon or a pad by any chance?" I smiled awkwardly. She stuck her hand in one of her dress pockets and pulled out a tampon. "Yeah, Here you go. I owed you one." She laughed. "God your a life saver, I owe you one now too!" I smiled and laughed with her. "Hey, Got a yearbook? Let me sign it." She smiled. I took off my backpack and unzipped it, pulling out my white yearbook and a pen. She scribbled down stuff for a few seconds and returned it. "Your a cool one, L/N. I like that. See you around."  She smiled and waved. "See ya!" I waved back as she left the bathroom. I went to see what she had written on my yearbook.

'Bev Marsh♡ *Insert number*'

I smiled. I can now call her and see if she wants so hangout sometime. I closed the yearbook and put it away with the pen and zipped my backpack. I entered a stall and did what a girl has to do with my 'Lucky Charm" Bev gave to me.

I have a feeling. A really good feeling. I think that this Summer is going to be good. Im so exited, Schools out now and i have no homework to worry about. This is gonna be awesome, without a doubt.

Boy was I wrong.

Hiya!! I hope you like the first chapter of this book. I know Eddie didnt say anything to Y/N yet but dont worry next chapter we will have the offical Danganronpa Introduction of Eddie. I might start writing it now but if it doesnt come out until tomorrow then im sorry!! 1314 words.
--Author Chan

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