Chapter Two

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"Goddamn N/N!! Took you long enough!" Richie exclaimed. "Oh wait I see, You were masterbaiting right? You were probably thinking I was-" Before he could finish i kicked him in the nuts, Hard enough to knock the breath out of him for a few moments. "Actually I ran into someone, Took longer than i expected." I explained, walking towards the others near the trashcans. Richie then got up and joined us. We took off our bags and began to dump every little thing out of our bags. Accept I had taken out my pen and yearbook, To keep. "Best feelings ever." Stanely smiled, Relieved that school is out and he didnt have to sit in class all day learning about Boring things. "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie sighed. I scoffed and looked at Bill, Who shrugged at me so i turned to Eddie. "Hey, What do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" He said, Putting his arms through the straps of his backpack and putting it on.

~{}Eddie Kaspbrak{}~

Been best friends since first grade. Hes short and easy to pick up, If he ever let you that is. Hes a clean freak and hates germs. Hes also really cute and pouts alot. Not like i have a crush on him or anything, At all. Nope. Not a chance..

"I start my training" Richie replied, Fixing his glasses. "Wait, What training?" Me and Eddie said at the same time, Looking at eachother for a hot second and looking away in slight blush. Like i said, i dont like him! Its natural coloring.. Or.. whatever they call it. "Jeez, You guys should just date alread-" I didnt let him finish, Giving him a shove with my elbow. He cleared his throat. "Street Fighter." "Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?" Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes. Richie sighed. "Beats spending it inside of your mother. Ohh!" He exclaimed, Putting his hand up to Stanley for a high-five. Stan turned him down though, by shoving his hand away. I turned my gaze away from Richie, And rested my head on Bill's shoulder. "Yuck." I muttered, Making Bill laugh as he patted my back. (Should i make a Bill X Reader?) "What if we go to the quarry?" Stan suggested. Everyone turned their gaze to Bill. "Guys we have the b-bu-bu--barrens." He stuttered. "Right" Stan muttered in response. "...Betty Ripsom's mom." Eddie said quietly. I removed my head from Bill's shoulder to look. And there she was. Betty Ripsom's mother, Looking pale and worried and crushed. "Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stanley quietly spoke. "I dont know" Eddie replied. "Poor woman.. Shes probably crushed.." I said looking down in despair. Bill placed a hand on my shoulder. "D-D-Du-Dont worry, Y/N. I-I-Im sure she will bu-b-be found soon." He smiled reassuringly.

She couldnt see it at the moment, But Eddie was staring daggers at Bill. But Stanley and Richie noticed. Stan placed his hand on Eddies shoulder and shook him, giving him a look. "Are you okay?" He mouthed. Eddie nodded in response, Taking a breath from his inhaler. Richie raised and eyebrow at Eddie and looked towards Y/N and Bill has they were distracted, and Eddie looked down. Richie knew immidiently what was going on and looked at Stanley. He looked at Eddie, Then Y/N, And made a silly face. Stan's eyes widened as if he had no idea about it. He shook Eddie's shoulder reassuringly again and then removed it, Nodding at him.

"A-As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec for the last few weeks." Eddie muttered, Breaking the silence. "You think they'll actually find her?" Stan said worryingly. "Sure. In a ditch, All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's moms underwear." Richie joked casually, As if it was something you would say in a normal conversation. I made a disgusted face and burried my facs into Bill's neck again, As he wrapped one of his arms around me. Bill was like a big brother. Hes always there, In the worst moments, and in the good moments. He once bought me a thing of tampons when my mom was out of town and i ran out. Hes seen me ugly cry, And i wouldnt be surprised if hes seen me change or go to the bathroom to be honest. His family is like my second family. And Georgie.. Georgie was like.. Nevermind. "Shut up! Thats freaking disgusting." Eddie whispered, making a disgusted face. "Shes not dead. S-Shes m-mi-mi-m-missing." Bill stuttered, turning his gaze to Richie. Richie adjusted his glasses. "Sorry Bill, shes missing." He sighed. I moved away from bill and walked beside him. "You know, The Barrens arent that bad. Who doesnt love splashing around in shitty water-" Richie startes to say before being yanked back by none other than Henry Bowers and plummeted into Stan, making them both fall back. "Nice frisbee, flamer." Patrick picked up Stanley's Kippah. "Give it back!" He tried to reach for it but he had already flung it. "Fucking losers!" He laughed. Belch then burped loudly in Eddie's face, causing him to gag and fall to the ground. "Hey asshole! Fuck off Patrick!" I walked over to Stan who was beginning to stand up. "What have we here? The pretty lady got something to say?" He smirked as he grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back. With his free hand he began to tug at my (Insert clothing your wearing). "G-Get off m-mu-my sister.. B-Bitch!" Bill exclaimed while running towards me. "Get off me!" I said loudly. Bill then stopped when Henry held him back. "This prick is your brother, L/N?" Henry asked smuggly. I didn't reply. Patrick's grip on my wrists got tighter and began to burn. "Hey! Hes talking to you, Bitch." He said angirly. "Yes. I-In a way he is.!" I whispered. Henry scoffed and then Patrick let me go, Pushing me over. Richie had just helped Stan up so I fell right into Stan. They started asking me questions like if i was okay and stuff, But i just watched Bill as Henry and his goons started walking away. "Losers." He laughed. Bill then turned to face them. "You s-s-su-suck, Bowers!" Eddie had been with you, Richie, and Stan in the back and whispered "Shut up, Bill!" The three helped you up. "Shit, Bill!" I whispered. Henry turned around slowly. "You s-s-s-s-s-say something? B-B-B-B-Billy?" He mockingly stuttered. Us three began walking to Bill, Soon I was right next to him. "You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Rides over, Denbrough." He said, Towering over Bill.

While Y/N and Bill were out of it, Eddie looked at Eddie and Stanley. "Siblings?" He mouthed. Richie shrugged, Looking at Stan. Stan nodded. "She doesn't like Bill. Not like that." He mouthed. Eddie felt foolish now, Feelings jealous over Bill and Y/N's relationship. They're just close, Like siblings. He couldn't help but feel angry at himself for not helping Y/N out earlier with Patrick. He was weak, He felt so weak. Bill seemed like the perfect match for Y/N, Even if they were thought as to be siblings. Stan touched Eddie's shoulder again. He shook his head at Bill and Y/N. They watched as Henry placed his slobbered hand on Bills face, As Y/N wiped it off with her sleeve. He told himselr that from now on he would help her out more, and defend her and his friends.

We watched as they got into their car. Full of anger and hatred. "I wish he'd go missing." Richie sighed. "Hes probably the one doing it.." Eddie muttered. We got on our bikes are road off and away, To our homes. When i got home i put my bike in the garage and unlocked my door. I kicked off my shoes and went upstairs to change. It was hot, So i decided to go with one of my bigger T-shirts and just my underwear. (If you dont want this you can totally just change it!) I was so tired, and drained from bowers and his goons and school combined. I slumped down on my couch. My moms out of town again, Or who knows where. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, Only for static to show up. I kept pressing the buttons but nothing worked. I sighed and stood up to mess with the antenna, Until it completely shut off. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I cursed, Messing with the antenna more.


I stopped, And turned around. I saw nothing so i brushed it off and went back to the antenna.

"Y/N, down here."

This time i swear i heard it. I looked down, In which my TV had little white strings around it. I jumped back. "Yuck.!" I exclaimed. Soon enough, A giant black thing came across my screen. I took a few steps back, horrified.

It was a spider, A big, fat, hairy one. It was brown and black and had huge fangs with peircing black eyes. "What..?" I said nervously. "What the fuck..?" It then came crawling towards me. I started to run, Run like no other, Around my house. The spider was chasing me. Something sticky wrapped around my foot, And caused me to stop. A white, slimy web had wrapped around my ankles. I started to hyperventilate, and cry for help as it pulled me into my dark TV screen like in a dumbass horror movie. I screamed and cried for someone, ANYONE. When I looked back at my TV screen, There was a clown. Firey hair, and a white painted face. Blood red paint flowing from his eyes and to his mouth, Where it made the appearance of lipstick. I laughed maniacally, Scaring the living shit out of me. Bugs then flew out of Its mouth, nose, eyes, and god knows where. Buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. Cockroachee, flies, centipedes, worms, maggots, ladybugs, crickets, you name it. It was there. It was fucking horrifying. I wish it was just one of those dumbass horror movies the losers and I watched together, But it wasnt. This was real life.

Or so i thought?

Ill try to update more tomorrow? Or mabye right now! No idea- 1778 words


❌《LoŠers!》Eddie Kaspbrak X Reader. ❌Where stories live. Discover now