chapter 7...

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This is sort of just a cleanup chapter for the end of the episode "Blood Ties" 

Next chapter will be significantly longer.


When I woke up, the entire team was surrounding me. It was creepy. "What the hell?" I muttered as I sat up slowly.

"We have some good news, Miss Snow." Rip was the first one to speak up.

"Which is?"

"Dr. Palmer and Professor Stein believe that your powers disappearing is a result of malnutrition."

"So what? I skipped lunch and got stabbed because of it?"

"Essentially, yes." Stein nodded his head.

"How can I get my powers back?" I looked at the two hopefully.

"They should have returned by now." Ray explained.

"Yeah, should you try accessing your powers or something?" Sara spoke up.

"Sara and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I smacked myself in the head.

"She's back, unfortunately."


"The other day I tried to find some words of inspiration." The team had recovered Carter's body from the Greyhill building and we're having a funeral for him. "Words that would restore hope to us in the wake of our losses, but it is all of you that have inspired me. Beginning with Professor Boardman and then with Carter, their heroism is an inspiration to us all. And a reminder that one person acting alone can't save the world." Sara, Mick, Snart, and I were the first to walk off with the rest of the team soon following behind.


As all of us sat slumped on the bridge, Rip came sprinting in out of nowhere. "Gideon, ready us for take off."
"Woah, are we being chased or something?" Jax asked him confused.

"No, but I imagine right about now, the museum has realized their prized emerald is missing." Rip eyed Snart and Mick angrily.

"You want me to say I'm sorry." Snart asked Rip rhetorically.
"Sorry, I don't do sorry." Mick smiled at him sarcastically

"Which is fine, Mr. Rory, because you are owed the apology. I should have told you all before that this wasn't my first attempt to vanquish Vandal Savage, but the reason I failed before-" Ray cut him off.

"Was because you didn't have all of us."

"Obviously Dr. Palmer and I had our hands full tending to Miss Saunders and Miss Snow, but now that they're both back on their feet-" Rip smiled widely as he cut the professor off.

"We're back at full strength."

"Or as strong as we can be without Carter." Kendra corrected him.

"Quite true, but there is no point in us continuing any further. Unless we are all- and myself included, committed to working in concert."

"You don't ditch us, we don't ditch you. Deal?" Rip nodded at Snart's words.

"Sir, I've completed my review of the timeline. I calculate a 98% likelihood that Savage reappears in 1986." Those of us who were standing sat down.

"Chart a course, Gideon."

"Guess we're going to the '80s." I muttered.

Ray, who was much more enthusiastic, added on to my statement. "Better break out the parachute pants."
"What the hell are parachute pants?" Jax asked him cluelessly.

"Better you not know, kid."


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