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"What?" Jade muttered tiredly as she noticed Maverick staring at her with a goofy smile on his face.

"You know how long the girls gave us shit for not getting engaged or having kids and now were the first ones married." He commented as his fingertips ran down the tattoos along her spine.

"Mhm. Now go back to sleep." She stated before he chuckled. It was the day after their last show and while he was tired he couldn't help but still have a bubbling excitement in him from the fact that he had married his best friend the night before.

"I can't sleep." He said softly before she looked up at him. "What.... You're my wife now.... Am I not allowed to just sit here and enjoy that fact." He said as his eyes roamed across her body. Only her ass was covered by a corner of the sheet and it wasn't leaving much to his imagination as the thin fabric cling to her skin. A giggle escaped her lips as she watched his eyes move along her body.

"You're looking but not touching. Are you sure you're my husband?" A low chuckle left his lips as she watched his eyes ocean eyes turn navy. Before he could even act the brunettes stomach grumbled, distracting the man beneath her.

"I think I need to feed you before we do anything else." Jade moved up his body before pressing a kiss to Mavericks lips. He couldn't help but move his hands along her ass enjoying the fact that she still had nothing on.

"Food.." She reminded him gently before he nodded.

"I know. I just can't help but enjoy the sight of my beautiful wife." A blush crept across her cheeks as his hands moved to cup her face. "I love you so much Jadey." He said softly his thumbs running along her blush.

"I love you more Mav." He shook his head before she nodded. Their lips met for a mere moment before she slid out of his grasp and towards their shared closet. By the time she came back in one of his hoodies and a pair of her joggers he was in a pair of shorts with nothing covering his torso. "You can stay like that all day though." She said as she bit her lip. He moved closer to her before his thumb moved her lip from between her teeth.

"You sure that's a good idea." Her eyes roamed along his body before she nodded.

"Yup." She said the p popping at the end. Slowly her lip was pulled back between her teeth before she saw his eyes turn a slightly darker shade of blue.

"Keep doing that and we won't make it out of this room." He commented earning a smirk from her.

"And why's that?" She said acting innocent.

"You know what that does to me." She twirled a curl around her finger before she innocently looked up at him. "Fuck how did I get so lucky." He commented before his lips were placed on her full ones. Her lips lingered on his for a moment before she pulled away and happily skipped out of the room. She could hear his groan before she saw him behind her.

It was as if in slow motion that Maverick watched as Jade tripped over her feet and fell down the stairs. He watched and heard her small body hit step after step her curly hair flying everywhere. It was seconds before he was at the bottom the small girl quickly in his arms. As she felt the pain begin to spread across her body her face buried into his chest tears quickly forming. He gently scooped her up before placing her down on their couch.

"Where does it hurt baba?" He asked concern washing over his face as her tear filled eyes met his.

"My ankle Mav." Her leg was instantly in his hands before he inspected her foot and ankle. He could see swelling forming before he carefully set her leg back down. Slowly he took her hands in his face before she saw his eyes inspecting her head and face.

"Well you didn't break your ankle or your face." He commented before he peaked around and looked at her backside. "Ass is still good though I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bruise or two on it." As he moved closer to her, her arms wound around his neck. "Arms are good because you wouldn't be doing that." He said as his hands gently landed on her shoulders before moving down. As his right hand moved along her hip she winced. He carefully pulled out of her grasp before he slid her hoodie up and her joggers down.

Jade watched as a frown formed on Mavericks face. He saw a large bruise forming along her tanned skin. His lips brushed against her cheek before moving towards her ear.

"Wait here love I'm going to get you some ice." She nodded before he quickly made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed a few pills for the swelling along with a bottle of water and two ice packs. As he moved to sit down next to her the pills and water were placed into her hands.

Her smaller form was gently pulled into his larger one. He lifted her legs so they were draped across his lap before she felt one of the ice packs move to rest along her ankle. Gently he placed the other pack on her hip. He could see her wince again nearly breaking his heart.

"Baba do you need to go to the doctors?" She shook her head.

"It's just sore love. All I need is you." She said as she curled as best as she could into him. "Well you and food." He chuckled softly before pulling his phone out and handing it to her. She quickly ordered the both of them food before a shiver coarse through her body. "Okay can you get rid of the ice for now. Way too cold." He chuckled softly before removing the ice packs from her skin and throwing them onto the table in front of them.

Instant Jade was in Mavericks lap. As her head moved to rest along his chest to listen to his heartbeat she could see him ordering something.

"Whatcha doin?" She asked quietly before he chuckled and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

"Ordering some tea for you since we have none." Her eyes lit up before she connected their lips. "I swear you love tea more than me.." She shook her head.

"I love tea almost as much as you." His eyes met hers. "Yup. You're number one. Teas number two. Then Perrie and Leigh." He chuckled knowing that nothing could get in the way of the relationship the three girls had. His hand gently ran along her side as he momentarily forgot about the fall she had just taken. As he felt her wince their eyes met. He could see the pain hidden within her brown eyes. "It's just sore baba. I think I took a stair to the side."

Slowly Jade moved to straddle him but instead of connecting their lips as she normally would her head moved to rest along his chest her arms winding around his torso.

"Careful of your ankle." He said quietly as he felt her adjust and wrap her legs around his hips.

"I'm fine Mav." He huffed knowing she wasn't but stopped the moment her lips met his chest. His arms carefully wound around her before her nose buried into his skin. "I just want to be with you." She said quietly. His answer was soft as his fingertip ran up her spine drawing a long sigh from her.

"Baba I will always be here."

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