Chapter 8: Revenge?

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When it was finally time to go you sprinted out of the door and went to Steve's car to wait for him to get there. You were nervous that you would have another altercation with Carol, she wasn't really scary, but you did not want to fight her.

You were there for a second until you saw Steve, you waved to him and when he noticed you he waved in return. Then you looked at some students behind him, Carol, she was there minding her own buisness yet all you wanted to do was punch her. As much as you didn't want to fight her your conscience said fuck it. You walked over to her and Steve grabbed your shoulder. You looked visibly pissed and glared at him.
"Wow, what's up your ass?" He asked trying to joke.
"Not the time Steve, let me go." You said.
He did as instructed and waited at the car. You made your way to Carol again, she saw you and smirked.
"Oh it's the slut." She said. You assumed Tommy went around and talked shit about you like he said he would. People believed it, of course. You glared at Carol and pinned her against the wall. She gasped and tried to break free of your grasp.
"What the fuck!" She shouted.
"What's your problem freak!" Someone shouted. You didn't respond, you didn't really feel like yourself but you had to get some anger out, one way or another. And if that meant beating Carol into a pulp, so be it. She had bullied you forever, she deserved all that happed to her. You impulsively raised your fist and punched her square in the face.

She finally loosens your grip and swung at you, she missed and you pushed her to the ground you were now on top of her and continued to punch her, her face was fucked up but you kept going. Until someone grabbed you to hold you back, you didn't see who it was but you tried to break free of their grip. You finally gave in, you were worn out at this point. You finally looked back and saw Billy was the one holding you back. He had his hands gripped around your arms.
"Let me go." You said while panting. Although you didn't really want him to. You had a rush if adrenaline which is why you continued to punch Carol. Now the adrenaline was gone and you felt like you were about to pass out.

Billy led you off to the side as everyone crowded around Carol. You were still breathing heavily he put his hand to your forehead to check your temperature. You tried to swat his hands away.
"You look pale, your burning up, and you look like your going to pass out." He said.
"So?" Was all you managed to muster up.
"So? So, we need to get you out of here." He said with a chuckle.
"Steve is my ride." You said and tried to stand up. Then you noticed Steve running up to you both.
"What the fuck Lynn?" He said examining you.
"Harrington." Billy said, it was a half ass greeting but Steve went along with it.
"Make sure she gets home safe, ok?" Billy said glaring at Steve. Steve nodded and Billy walked away. Without looking back he went to his car, his jock friends were there and they started talking to him. What did you do? Now Billy was going to get targeted as well, all because you talked to him.

Steve helped you get up and led you to the car. He opened the door and got you in the passenger side seat.
"Ok, um- do you have medicine for shit like this?" Steve said panicking.
"For what? Steve I'm fine." You lied, you looked like you were about to pass out.
"Your going to faint! Your more pale than usual, and you can't keep your eyes open." Steve said while still panicking.
"Just drive and drop me off at my house. Please." You asked him. He nodded and quickly started up the car. He placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Just hang on, we are almost there." He said with a smile. You felt woozy and almost vomited. Why the fuck is this happening? This isn't what usually happens after an adrenaline rush? Right?

"We're here." Steve said while hurrying to your side to help you walk straight.
"Is my dad home?"
"Good." You replied. If your dad saw you like this he would fucking freak. You feel like the human definition of shit. Then Steve got the door open and helped you walk up the stairs. He got you in your room and told you he would be right back.

Steve came back with a glass of water and some cold meds.
"Ok this should help, I hope." He said while looking at the ground. You giggled a bit and lay on your bed, he pulled up a chair and sat next to your bed for a bit.
"I should get going, please call me if you need anything." He urged
"Mhm." You smiled, you kissed him on he cheek and he blushed a bit. You used to have a huge crush on him but got over it once he had started dating Nancy. You don't like him like that anymore, now you like the one guy he really doesn't like. It complicated.

You drifted off to sleep and woke up to tapping on your window. You grabbed a pencil which had sat on your nightstand and slowly walked over to the window. Why exactly? Don't know. You pulled the curtains back and revealed a familiar face, Billy. He was there smiling and you let him in.
"How are you doing?" He asks looking concerned and the smile left his face. You felt like shit still.
"Eh." Was all you could say.
"Eh?" He said with a chuckle.
"Want some company?" He asked. You were unbelievably bored and wanted to talk to someone without bothering Steve.
"Mhm." You said and closed the window.
"So I wasn't sure if you would say yes, but I did bring horror movies." He said. Why was he such a 'bad boy' at school but the sweetest guy ever when he was with you.
"Why Are you being so nice?" You finally asked.
"That's what friends are for? I can go-"
"No." You quickly said which caught him off guard. He smiled and sat down on the edge of your bed. There was some Akward silence for a few moments.
"So um- how about those movies?" You asked and went downstairs.
"My dad shouldn't be home until really early, if he comes back." You dad will sometimes stay at some motel because he was to drunk to drive.

You both got seated in the couch and started up the movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacre played. This was one of the best horror movies in existence.
"Ok question." Billy said after about half way through the movie.
"Would you or would you not pick up the hitchhiker?" He asks.
"Hell no!" You answered and laughed.
"Hitchhikers Are scary man!" You added.
"What if I were the hitchhiker?" He asked and was also laughing.
"I'd have to think about it." You replied he looked at you dead in the eye and glanced at your lips. The same way he had the night of your 'study date'.

His lips crashed into yours and you grabbed his face. His hands slid down to your waist and he deepened the kiss. It was intoxicating. You pulled away for a moment and looked at him he was panting lightly and smiled.
"Billy I'm sick, what if I get you sick to?" You asked. You weren't sure if you were sick but had a feeling. You only feel like this when you were sick.
"Oh well." He said and smiled you smiled back at him and you went back to watch the movie. His hand never left your waist and you laid your head on his shoulder. When you did his breath hitched and you quickly put your head back up.
"No- it's fine, really." He reassured you. So you put your head back down. By the time the movie was over you were both asleep his head resting on yours.

AN: yay romance! I want to add angst to this because gotta make your characters sad just a bit.
Word count: 1427

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