Dead Man's Blood (part 3)

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Annie's POV

Dad finishes talking to the cop that was on scene. Dean, Sam and I all sit on the hood of the Impala.

"I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him," Sam sulks.

"Oh don't tell me it's already starting."

"What's starting?" Sam and I ask at the same time.

Dad stands in front us.

"What have you got?"

"It was them all right. Looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double

back to get around that detour."

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asks.

"Sam..." I groan. Sam turns his head to my, sharply. "I just wanna know we're going in the right direction," he snaps.

"We are."

"How do you know?" Sam growls.

Dad hands me a small tooth. "I found this."

"It's a....a vampire fang," I gasp.

"Not fangs, teeth. The second set descends when they attack.

Dad turns  to Sam and frowns. "Any more questions?"

Sam looks away and stays silent.

"All right, let's get out of here, we're losing daylight."

Sam, Dean and I get into the Impala while Dad climbs into his truck.

"Hey Dean why don't you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it," Dad calls while getting into his truck.


Sam is driving, I'm in shotgun and Dean is in the back. I hold a book open on my lap and read aloud from it.

" 'Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten. Smaller packs are sent to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks......'  I wonder if that's what happened to that 911 couple."

"That's probably what Dad's thinking. Course it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks," Sam says grumpily.

"So it is starting," Dean sighs.

"What?" Sam asks.

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