Chapter 1

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Author pov:

it's a beautiful morning,while some birds are happily chirping,sitting on small trees in a particular garden.It was all peaceful until a alaRM disturbed a cute boy's dream.

He was happily dreaming about his crush,whereas his was cuddling with him and pampering him with his kisses and sweet words,- that's when this stupid alarm rang,which causes his dream to be spoil.

He groaned annoyingly as he woke up and rubbed his Bambi eyes cutely.once he sober up from his sleep,he slowly walked to his bathroom which present in his room to do his morning routine.

so this so called boy is a maid in a big mansion.The owners of this mansion was very filthy rich that they provide each bedroom to their maids.Actually this boy has not worked as maid before instead he studies in a university with an excellent grade cards .But his situations and his unlucky fate made him like this.

Time skip:

After a warm shower, he wore his maid outfit

 and decided to headed downstairs that's when he heard a soft knock on his door

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 and decided to headed downstairs that's when he heard a soft knock on his door.

?? - ah, who is knocking the door in this early morning?

He frowned and walked to his door and unlock it.There he saw a woman in her 50's standing and smiling at him who is a senior maid.He smiled and asked -

?? - Ajhumma, what are you doing here?

Maid: is asking for you,Jungkook.

Jungkook: oh,yeah I'm coming, just a minute.(saying this he locked his door and went downstairs.

Time skip :

Jungkook : Mam ,you called me? : yah!! can't you make it fast you stupid.

Jungkook : Sorry mam.

Mrs.Kim : what are you thinking of yourself? A queen of this mansion? Keep in ur dirty mind that u r fucking maid in this mansion . you can't sleep the whole day .you are suppose to do all these house chores. Understand??

Mrs.Kim shouted on him and left with rage. Jungkook felt like crying . he didn't understand why god hate him that much that he turn his life a living hell at this early age.

Jungkook remembered that he have to do all the house chores and left from their to make breakfast. He didn't what Mrs.Kim to get angry or he have to starve for the whole day. Although there are many maids present in the mansion,Mrs.Kim order him to do all the chores.

Whatever reason it was ,he never protest and do his best. And at the end of the he gets tired and sleep which is for only 5 hours. And starts his day with his beautiful smile and cheerful mood. He is one who does every work with dedication and  positive mindset. That was the reason why is loved by all.


I tried my best to wrote this story and I hope u like this chapter

I will try my best to update daily and complete this as soon as possible.

English is not my first language,if there is any mistakes plz ignore them or comment me. I will try to give my best.....

Thank you:-) 

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