Chapter 3

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Time skip: Taehyung POV

Today I returned to home earlier than usual day. I'm very excited to see my brother and brother-in-law as well as my best friend. yes he,Jimin is my best friend since our high school.He used to came to my house to do group studies.Well that's what his reason to see my brother.I'm not aware of him having a secret crush on my grumpy brother.

 It's when I found out him peeking into his bedroom. I blackmailed him saying that I will tell yoongi that he is secretly stalking him. That's when he said that he loves my brother. I'm not shocked ,instead I'm happy that my soulmate is going to be my brother-in-law .

I supported him and I even talked to my mother about this and what surprising is ,my eomma also like him so much. And she made my dad agreed . And soon their marriage was held .I don't know what happened after,but yoongi hyung decided to leave for US with jiminie.

 Anyways I just hope that they are happy. The  Last time I saw them was 2 years ago.And I'm excited to meet my niece ,she is soo cute just like jiminie. I'm not a person to express my feelings but I just can't help!!

Time skip : 

Taehyung went to receive them from airport. While jungkook is arranging the dining table with delicious and colourful food,others are waiting for welcoming them . After five minutes,they heard the Main door open. then a cute little girl entered while running to happily. happily lifted her in his arms and placed a long kiss on her forehead. she giggled cutely and said "I miss UW oldie". chuckles and replied - "I miss u too Yoon hee baby!! "

kim chuckles and replied - "I miss u too Yoon hee baby!! "

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Name : Yoon hee

Age : 3 years old

Nature : A baby ,cute,sometimes becomes grumpy like her dad.

   Yoonmin's daughter .

Following her,the other three came inside. others welcomed them. Jungkook came to know from other senior maids that has a older son and he is married with one of friend's son and also taehyung's best friend and son-in-law's family was a poor family at first but after marriage Mr.Kim collaborated his company with park family and that's how they became poor to top position.

Author POV : 

As they entered inside,Mr.Kim left yoon hee on ground and went to hug his son.

Mr.Kim: I'm happy to see u again , my son. ( Mr.Kim said while hugging )

Yoongi : Me too dad .(yoongi said while separating the hug with a smile )

Mrs.Kim : I miss u soo much baby ~~

Mrs.Kim said with highly dramatic voice and yoongi smelled that . Anyways he said " me too mom " with expression less face and hug her.

Mrs.Kim : how's your health baby ? ( Mrs.Kim asked jimin while she place her hand on his                  1 month belly )

Jimin : I'm fine mom. ( he stated with a smile)

Mrs.Kim : U have to be very careful during this period 

Jimin : okay mom.

Yoon hee : yahh!! U oldies, Come Fwast I'm hwungryy !! ( she said stomping her feet angrily and    with a huge pout making all people in the living chuckled at her )

Taehyung : okay my little princess let's fill ur this smol tummy with lots of food. ( Taehyung said    her which causes her eyes widened bigger )

Yoon hee : No no taetae , it will blast ( she started fake crying making all to burst out more )

Author POV :

All are gathered at the dining room and jungkook starts to serve them . All are satisfied with dinner . suddenly jimin asked 

Jimin : who cooked this dinner ?

Jungkook : Ah, it's me sir. ( he stepped forward with nervous)

Jimin : It's amazing. Thank u for the dinner. ( jimin smiled )

Jungkook : Ani, that's my duty .

Yoon hee : waww! It's tasty..I Walt mworee ... ( she said sitting in taehyung's lap,jumping.                  Jungkook smiled at her )

Taehyung : yeah ! let's dig in ... ( he said while feeding her )

Yoongi : hmm, what's ur full name ? ( yoongi asked while eyeing jungkook suspiciously)

Jungkook : it's jungkook , Lee jungkook ( yoongi nodded)

Yoongi : why I'm feeling like I have seen him before ?

Hearing this All lifted their heads and turn towards yoongi .

Mr.Kim : Right ! I also felt like that when I saw him first .

All are suspiciously eyeing jungkook making him more nervous but it cut off by a scream from back.

Soobin : yayy !! Yoongi hyung .I miss u soo much.

He screamed running towards them and hug jimin tightly.

Yoongi : Didn't u said you miss me soo  much ?

Soobin : yeah ! But I miss jimin hyung more than u "kitty" . ( he said with a smirk while yoongi        remained shocked and others burst out . he stepped out from his shock state by                                    listening loud laughs and looked for soobin , but he already ran away )

Yoongi : yah , u brat !! Wait I will show u my original side  (yoongi also ran to catch his little                brother)

Soon , the whole mansion filled with loud laughters ........


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