Chapter 9

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Author POV:

After seeing Jungkook like that, Taehyung couldn't control himself and cried his heart out. He was not at all aware of his loud cries and sobs. All he wants is to remove his pain from his heavy heart. While he was crying, he heard his door opened. He immediately wipe off his tears and acts like nothing happened. 

Taehyung turned back and saw his elder brother looking at him suspiciously.First he tensed, but after that he maintained a straight face. He didn't want his brother to know about this. He just wish to God that his brother didn't saw him crying. 

Taehyung : what happened hyung?? Do you want to talk anything

Yoongi : yeah!!soo.... what ur thinking about this marriage??

Taehyung : I already agreed hyung. Didn't u hear that??

Yoongi: just cut the crap taehyung!!

Taehyung : what ur talking about??

Yoongi : yah!! don't you dare to act. just tell me what the hell was happening with you..

Taehyung : Hyung there is nothing to act...why would I lie to u??

Yoongi : I'm also curious about that, why you are even lying to me?? what was the reason behind that??  Do u think I'm that much dumb to not notice ur pale face and red eyes??

Taehyung : ..............( he started crying again )

Yoongi : Taehyung-ah, I know u are not agreed to this marriage from ur heart and I think u have ur reason. But if u hide it from others and keep crying like this, who is gonna help u ?? Just understand... Share it with me I'll try to help u .hmm??( he said while cupping his face with one hand and caressing his hands with another one )

Taehyung : I - I love him s-o much hyung. But I ca-n't do anything ( he sobbed more while hugging him tightly )

Yoongi : Whom u are talking about ??

Taehyung : Jungkook. I love him. ( hearing this yoongi froze. He didn't believe his ears )

Yoongi : what the hell are u saying ?? ( he yelled slowly being shocked )

Taehyung : yes. I love him. Only him. But I can't do anything neither you. I can't go against dad. It will cause danger to him.

Yoongi : Are u fucking out of ur mind or what?? How can u say like that?? Do u think u will be happy after this marriage ??

Taehyung : No. I'll move on from him. I didn't want dad to find out about this. It's not good to Jungkook.

Yoongi : U have to think about this, before you started to love that Maid.

Taehyung : Will u Stop calling him a Maid. Damnit !!

Yoongi : that's not the actual problem here. At least you have to talk to dad about it, if u love him with ur whole heart.

Taehyung : Do you think I'm that much  fool to not fight for my love, hyung??

Yoongi : Then, what was your problem in talking with dad about this?? He doesn't want to ruin ur happiness.

Taehyung : Hyung!! No matter what however I beg for it. Dad is not at all going to accept him.

Yoongi : How can you say that??

Taehyung : Because......

Yoongi : say it already!!

Taehyung : Because Jungkook is not a Maid....He is- 












" Jungkook is Baekyun Uncle's son. Jeon Jungkook, our Kookie "











Yoongi : WHAT??!!!!


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