Three - Three of the Four

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Making your way into the maintenance room, it was much larger than you expected. There was a large cylinder shaped room at the centre. Looking around, you could see endoskeletons standing in the smaller rooms around you. You weren't sure exactly where or how Vanessa was going to get down here without using the stage, but she's most likely memorised the layout of the establishment in its entirety so she'd probably know-


You jumped at the soft noise, it sounded louder due to how quiet it was. You then heard rapid footsteps and then someone calling your name. You turned to the direction of the voice, eyes wide. "O-oh! Vaness- Sorry, Officer Vanessa! I wasn't expecting you to get here so-"

She didn't appear to hear you as she tucked her flashlight into the loop of her belt, grabbing the sides of your face and turning it, effectively silencing you. "You aren't hurt, are you? What are you covered with- is that glitter glue?" You opened your mouth to speak, but she cut you off before you could get a word out. "Nevermind, we'll get you cleaned up later. Come on, there's some animatronics that want to meet you."

You blinked. "I thought I was gonna meet the animatronics after the tour?"

She sighed, releasing your face and rubbing her temples with a sigh. "Well, that's what the plan was. But thanks to you getting a little lost and getting down here and the only other way down here being by Roxy's room, I ran into her and had to tell her about you. Ugh, I can already feel a headache starting. C'mon. Let's get this over with."

"Oh, um, okay Officer-"

"Don't. Don't call me Officer Vanessa, you're my assistant, and I'm not an officer, I'm just the head of security here."

"Oh. Um. Okay. But the animatronics-"

"I know they call me Officer Vanessa, I tried to stop them, but apparently it's in their programming or something so it was no use. Enough about that, we need to get the stupid meetings done so we can actually the tour done."

You nodded, following after her as she made her way back to where she'd appeared from. Looking at the doors you were approaching, you saw four doors. Each of them had a simplified painting of the four main mascots of the Pizzaplex. She approached one of them, opening the door to a large hallway. You walked through the door, mumbling a thank you as you walked down the empty space. At the end was an elevator. You glanced towards Vanessa before pressing the button.

The elevator opened and you stepped inside, the blonde following after. The space felt crowded and awkward. You looked towards Vanessa. "Why are we using this one exactly?"

She looked towards you and raised a brow, urging you to go on. "I-it's just that we could've gone back up the stage or something, and by the looks of it there were three other elevators."

The blonde sighed. "We would've gone up using the stage, but now that Roxy knows you're here, I know damn well she won't stop pestering me about meeting you until she gets to so it's better to just get it over with."

"I see." You nodded in understanding, recalling a friend you'd had when you were younger. He wasn't exactly a friend, but he constantly annoyed you until you said you considered him a friend. After that, he'd practically clung to you whenever he could. You didn't mind it much, but at the same time, it was nice to have someone who cares about and wants to be around you. Although, that didn't last long considering he had to move away later that year. Despite the two of you never being that close, he had broken down to tears when he said goodbye to you. You wondered what happened to him.

You were brought from your memories when the elevator doors split apart, making way for the two of you to leave. Vanessa left the cramped space first, walking through the dark area. You quickly followed after her, watching as a door ahead of you lifted, revealing a room filled with purple and green. Growing closer to the room, you could hear a voice.

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