Five - Moon

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As a child, and sometimes even now, you would wonder what it would be like to have powers. You wondered what it would be like to teleport from one place to another, how it would feel to be able to morph your body to alter the way you looked, and more often than not, you thought about what it would be like to fly. Sure, there were planes, helicopters, etcetera, etcetera, but that wasn't the sort of flying you thought of. You thought it would've been relaxing, peaceful, calming, and other synonyms, but given your current circumstances, it felt like the opposite.

Being held so high above the ground, the only thing- or would it be person?- holding you up was a large robot that essentially changed identities when there was and wasn't light. The cold metal of the robot's hands was vaguely comforting as you somehow moved across the roof. You were unsure of where you were going, although, you were quite honestly clueless about most of the things in this building. Your hold on your bear plush tightened as you avoided looking down, not wanting to remind yourself of the imagery of your body just going splat if it ended up falling if the robot let go of you and didn't try to save you and-

"What are you thinking of, Little One?" The voice snapped you from your quickly worsening thoughts. You slightly flinched at the sound of the voice, partially forgetting that the animatronic holding you was the sole reason for why you were in the air.

"Nothing much, just uh. Having a bit of a midlife crisis, I guess. Just the usual." You ended with a nervous laugh, trying to play off your growing fear. Your smile dropped quickly as you recalled what he said. "Hey wait, why is everyone calling me Little One!? I'm not that small! You're all just abnormally tall!"

The robot holding you let out an amused hum in response, the sound seeming slightly wrong as you could practically feel it emitting from the metal pressed against your back. It slightly pissed you off that he didn't explain himself. Sure, Monty had given you a bit of an explanation, but that was for the new nickname the gator had given you. You swallowed a lump in your throat, clutching the plushie in your hands tighter, silently wishing that you were back with Vanessa, or even Monty. At least with them you would've gotten some answers.

Looking down for a moment again, you snapped your eyes back to the roof. You then cleared your throat, maybe talking with the robot holding you would distract you from the thought of him dropping you.

"So uh, M-Moon, right?" You silently cursed at yourself, ashamed that your voice had cracked and you had stuttered.

"That's my name, yes. And yours is Y/N. You're Vanessa's assistant, right?"

"Uh, yeah. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Well you already knew my name was Moon, so I thought it was only fair." You could almost hear the eerie smile in his voice.

You squished your lips to a line, not really knowing how to continue the conversation. Forgetting about your fear of heights for a moment, you looked down, noticing you were getting close to the Daycare again. Somehow. Weren't you just on the floor above? How did you get down here? Despite noticing that you were headed to the Daycare, you decided to ask for clarification.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Isn't that obvious? To the Daycare." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms.

"Well duh, but why?"

"Why not?"

You deadpanned to the air in front of you, displeased that you hadn't received any new information. "Alright, fine then. Why me?"

"Why you?" He repeated. He's starting to sound like a parrot. Or an echo. An eerie, mechanic echo.

"Yes, that's what I asked." The robot- Moon, laughed a little before responding.

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