Nine - Group Meeting

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Walking through the large building, you made your way towards Rockstar Row again, a smile on your face as the bell around your neck chimed with your steps. You'd begun to hum a song that reminded you of your childhood, tapping your fingers against Andy's in rhythm to the song in your mind. She seemed to respond in kind, tapping fingers tapping against yours when she began to pick up on the rhythm you were thinking of.

Approaching Roxy's room, you turned towards the door, and walked in. You made your way through the wolf animatronics room, getting to the back area where the elevator to the maintenance room was located. You pressed the button to call the elevator up then turned to Andradite with a sheepish smile on your face.

"It's uh, it's a little cramped in here. I just thought I'd warn you in case you're claustrophobic or something."

The blonde adjusted her beanie as she looked up at you, a subtle smile on her lips.

"Yeah, no, I'll be fine. I'm just kinda scared of meeting the animatronics." She admitted, turning away with a shrug and a nervous laugh.

You chuckled, shaking your head as the elevator dinged, the doors sliding open. You moved into the elevator, becoming almost smothered by the smell of her perfume as you stood beside each other. You pressed the down button, watching as the doors slid closed and feeling as the elevator began to descend.

"You don't need to worry about that, you'll be fine! Like Vanessa said, they seem to like me, so they're definitely going to like you too."

The blonde hummed in response, nervously rubbing her thumb over your hand as her hold on her bag strap became tighter. You lightly squeezed her hand in an attempt to silently reassure her. The elevator slowed to a stop, dinging as the doors slid open once again. You gently pulled on Andradite's hand, her following shyly after you as you made your way into the maintenance room.

Looking around, you could see the main four animatronics lined up around someone. Said someone was digging through a toolbox they'd plonked down beside an older looking computer, muttering things as they moved their tools around. They wore a stereotypical mechanics outfit, the jumpsuit being a dark cyan with coloured pins that mixed with the darker colour well. There was a toolbelt hanging around their waist, being half full, and even having what looked like a Red Bull inside of the holders. Their dark dreadlocks seemed to dance around with every little movement they made, the bright tips standing out against their dark skin.

As the two of you went down the stairs, Roxy's ear flicked in your direction, causing her to turn towards you. Her face remained still upon seeing you, but you could see her mechanical tail had begun to move side-to-side, colliding with Monty's tail. Monty let out a growl and shoved Roxy, quickly returning to his original position, a smug smile on his jagged teeth. Roxy stumbled for a moment, gaining her balance again and shoving back into the alligator animatronic, causing him to lose his balance for a moment and bump into Freddy.

Freddy quickly held onto his shoulders, helping Monty steady himself. Once Monty was upright, he shrugged Freddy's hands off, turning to glare at Roxy, and spotting you along the way. He froze for a moment, before standing up again and acting like nothing happened. Roxy seemed to smirk as she turned to face you again, tail beginning to move side to side again as she walked towards you.

Seeing the wolf walk away, the other two animatronics, who had yet to notice you, turned your way. Freddy's ears seemed to wiggle in what you assumed was happiness, and Chica began to frantically wave at you as she called out.

"Hi Officer Vanessa's Assistant Y/N!"

You waved to her as well, a smile on your face as you looked towards her. Roxy continued on her way towards you, lifting an arm to wrap around your shoulder.

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