Six - DJ Music Man

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Vanessa's flashlight illuminated the way as you moved around towards the staff room. She explained that every hour the lights would go out so that the animatronics could recharge. You nodded in understanding, although you were slightly confused as to why such a large building and popular establishment would need to shut down everything else in the building in order to focus on charging the main four. You wondered how the electricity bill looked for this single building.

Once the lights had eventually turned back on, Vanessa stood up, seeming more refreshed than she had before. She made her way towards the door, then turned to you, nodding in the direction of the door. You held onto the plushies in your hands for a moment, gaze flicking between the seats you were on and the plushies. As if telling you couldn't choose whether to take the plushies or not, Vanessa sighed. She grabbed one of the hoodies from the pile of clothes and tossed it to you, the fabric landing on your face.

"Put that on. You can put the plushies in either the gigantic pocket, or the comically large hood."

You blinked at her for a moment, then started to pull the oversized hoodie onto your body. It felt like an oversized dress, almost reaching down to your knees. Your hands were completely hidden by the sleeves. You could hear Vanessa stifle a laugh. With an embarrassed blush, you fixed your hair and how the hoodie draped over your figure.

"You're practically drowning in that." You turned towards her, noticing she was staring at the hood. "You could probably fit a plushie of all the animatronics in that." She looked you in your eyes. "Do you plan on collecting them all or something?"

Looking at the two plushies you had at the moment, you smiled. "Yeah, I think I will." Vanessa pointed a thumb to the door and spoke.

"Well, if you want, we can stop by the prize corner if you want. Or go by the animatronics rooms to see if they wanna give you one themselves. We'll have to save that for another day though. Now c'mon, I think there's just one more animatronic you've gotta meet so we can talk more about what you'll be doing as my assistant."

You nodded, stuffing the plushies into your pocket as you got up, following after the blonde. You'd been following after her and whoever else you'd been left with, but it was only natural since you decided to apply for a job at a building you've never been in before, which was partially your fault, but hey, at least based on the advertisements, the pay is good! That doesn't really explain why you haven't seen many human workers though.

You began to think about why you even signed up for the job. The main reason being that you had quit your previous job due to your co-workers not respecting you and your boss not even reprimanding the workers for their behaviour, so you got outta there as soon as you could. The other reason was because a kid you'd accidentally met and befriended practically begged you to start working in the establishment. He was the reason you even knew the place was hiring. You smiled at the memory.

You had just finished up your shopping and were on your way home, when the boy called out to you, running in your direction with a large smile on his bandaged face. You turned in his direction, a smile formed on your face at the usually quiet and sad seeming boy smiling at you. You braced yourself when the brunette latched onto you, arms wrapping around you as he barely managed to stay still. He quickly pulled away from you, eyes shining as he looked up at you.

"Did you hear!? The Pizzaplex is hiring new employees!" He pulled out a piece of paper and shoved it in your face, the gap in his teeth showing from his large smile.

Your smile disappeared quickly though, as you were bumped back into the present. In reality though, you'd just bumped into Vanessa's back again. You took a step back, mumbling a sorry before you looked around to try to figure out where you were. The walls surrounding you had abnormally large holes in them. The holes seemed too perfectly shaped to have been a construction error, but why would they make holes in the walls? And why are they so big?

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