Dragon's Den

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{Yn POV}

I laughed as I ran through the woods, casting spells that made the flowers bloom and the trees grow tall.

F/C dust flying through the air from each spell I cast

I then heard my mother calling me to head home

I had discovered my powers early in the day and I was excited to share them with her over dinner

I ran back to the house, joy in my heart

I sat at the table, bouncing in my seat

"My, you must be hungry," Mum says to me with a chuckle

I nod my head

I knew I needed to eat first before showing her

She placed a bowl of steaming porridge down in front of me

I practically inhaled it all before my mother had gotten the chance to even sit down for her own bowl

"Slow down, or you'll choke," She says sternly

I chew my last bite slowly before swallowing

"Mum, I have to show you something!"  The words rush out of my mouth

"Alright, since your done eating go ahead and show me," She says with a smile

She leans down to eat a spoonful as she watches me

I stand up in excitement and use my magic to summon the bow hanging on the wall nearby to my hand

I laugh excitedly and turn to my mom, expecting to see her as excited as me

But when I turned to look at her it was the opposite

Her face was filled with horror as she dropped her spoon, it clattering to the ground

"You-you're one of them!" She shouts, backing away from me, her hand fumbling against the wall as she reached for the door

"Mom?" I ask, scared, not understanding her reaction

"DEMON CHILD!" She screams as she finally opens the door and races down the road

"Mom?!" I yell, tears in my eyes as I run out after her

I stop at the end of my driveway as I see the neighbors surrounding my mom as she sobbed out

I couldn't hear what she said but she suddenly pointed at me

I felt small as all the villagers turned their gaze to me

"After that child!"

"We must rid ourselves of the demon!"

"Kill it!"

They shout as some run inside grabbing bows, swords, torches

Tears fill my eyes as I look at my mother, trying to understand why she did this

But when my eyes met hers all I saw was hatred and fear

All directed at me

I dropped the bow and raced off into the woods

I heard shouts behind me, but I kept going

I ran as fast as my legs would allow

Tripping over roots and rocks

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