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Sure, the Leaky Cauldron isn't the most colorful shop in Diagon Alley, but lord is it ten times better than Borgin and Burke's.

We walk into the busy pub, and the morning sun is streaming through the large window by the staircase. Witches and wizards are scattered along the dark, worn down benches and tables. The largest group is a group of three teens who I assume to be a few years younger than myself. A girl with rather bushy, brown-tinted, ginger hair is clutching a cat close to her chest. Sitting across from her is a ginger boy pulling a newspaper clipping from his pocket, and another boy with black hair, large glasses, and emerald green eyes. The boy moves his hair out of his eyes, and I see it.

The lightning bolt scar.

Of course I'm bound to see Potter at Hogwarts, it's just still a bit of a shock.

"What are you gazing at?" My father asks, looking past the trio.

"Nothing really," I say. "Just seeing if anyone here looks to be my year."

My father nods, and speaks to a man who just came over to us about a room. I notice the ginger boy suddenly stops talking. His eyes wonder to my father, and eventually fall onto me. He does a quick double take, looking between my father and I.

I think I'm a mix between my father and mother. I have some of my fathers features I noticed in my grandmothers face, but at the same time half of me is a woman I've never seen in my life. Half of me is completely unfamiliar.

The ginger boy hits Harry on the arm, and suddenly three pairs of eyes are on me. I can't believe they don't bother to say hi to my father. Normally people acknowledge teachers in public, right?

Unless they hate my father...

"Claudia!" My father snaps.

I jump, looking up at him. He must've tried to get my attention while I was zoning out.

"I'll be gone for a hour," he says. "The room key, if you need it." He drops a pair of jingling, metal keys in my hands. "Keep in mind, Ms. Granger is the only partially tolerable child there."

I chuckle a little before placing the keys in the bag with my book. More people seem to gather around the table. A girl takes a seat; I assume she's related to the ginger boy. She sits across from him. Her fiery red hair stands out in the monotone, brown and tan interior. A man, probably a few years older than my father is in deep conversation with his wife not too far away. The chattering is only getting louder and louder.

I sit at the table with the four, a person sized space between the ginger girl and I. I pull out the dark book and flip the first few pages open to look for the title. Loud noises coming from the corner distracts me from my task. Two, tall boys are running down the stairs causing quite the racket.

"Ron, that's the second time in the past half hour!" Yells one of them. They're completely identical, from their longer, orange hair to large, oval eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," says the ginger boy who I know know is Ron. "Tom...the day maid...the night maid..." he continues to talk in a mocking tone.

I jump slightly in my seat. One of the twins sat right between the ginger girl and I. The other sits across from us.

"And who is this?" Asks the twin across from me.

Suddenly, all six pairs of eyes are glued onto me. Ron gives a shrug, and Harry looks at me more intently than before.

"Actually, I was wondering that myself." Says the girl next to the ginger one.

I slip my book back into the tote bag before speaking. "Claudia, Claudia Prince."

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now