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Now that it's September first, I can't process the fact that I'm going to Hogwarts.

"Ready, Claudia?" My father questions, looking me in the eyes.

I look around our hotel room. The two twin beds have a nightstand between them, and I quickly notice my wand on the nightstand. I go to grab it, and look around the room for my cat.

"Where's Willow?" I ask my father, looking around the small room. He looks into the cage in his hand. He sees that it's empty, and raises his eyebrows.

I suddenly see two bright, yellow eyes looking at me from under the desk. I laugh, grabbing a treat from my coat pocket. The black fur-ball runs towards me, and snatches the food from my hands. I pick Willow up, and open the cage my father is holding. Willows loud protest make me feel guilty, but I have to put him in a cage. For now.

"I know, I know," I mumble in response to his loud shrieks. I reach out and grab my father's wrist, and everything goes dark again. My ears plug, and I feel a harsh jerking from my shoulders. Once we arrive in an office inside of Kings Cross, I can hear Willow yelling even louder. I guess he really hates apparition too.

While my father gets a cart, I straighten out the tight, black skirt I'm wearing. I tug on the pinstriped blazer I'm wearing overtop of it. I walk over to Willow and give him a few more treats to calm him down. As I'm waiting outside of the office, the window filled celling and yellow stone at kings cross makes the whole station bright.

My father returns, and I set the remainder of my stuff onto the cart. We walk to platform nine, and I realize the train hasn't arrived yet. The platform is quite empty, are we just early?

"Now, Claudia..." my father says, almost smiling. "Just walk between the two platforms, more towards platform ten."

I look at him, confused. "Just wait between the two?"

"No, not at all," smirks a voice from behind my father. Suddenly, Lucius, Draco, and another woman are behind my father, wearing a similar smile. The woman gives Draco a hug, and kisses him lightly on the forehead. Lucius looks over both of his shoulders, looking at the muggles around us.

"Go on, Draco," the woman says, a small, bittersweet smile on her face.

"Show her how it's done," adds Lucius.

Draco smirks at me, and starts walking towards the wall. He suddenly runs his cart into the wall, and follows it. The next second he's gone.

"You're turn, Claudia," says Lucius, a smug grin is on his face.

I grab my trolley and try to ignore everything in my body telling me no. I run full speed towards the wall, and close my eyes to brace for impact. Surprisingly, I keep running even though I'm on a whole new platform. I slow down quickly, causing some of my stuff to shift around and Willow to arch his back.

My father and Lucius emerge from behind me, they're both smiling at me, and my cheeks instantly fell hot. My father's expression changes the second he notices students around him.

The scarlet train is bright, and everyone seems mesmerized by it. The windows are spotless, and seem to shine. The atmosphere of the platform I nervous and excited as students are trying to escape their parents bittersweet goodbyes.

I notice a couple of stares, but I just keep looking forward. The first students start to board. I look at my father and he nods. I take a step towards the train but I turn around. Should I hug him? What do I say?

I smile, "see you in a little bit."

I walk towards the train, and I can't help but overhear the conversation behind me.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now