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TW: moderate violence, blood, and mentions of drugging.

I grit my teeth, and my anger hits me all at once. This boy I just met smuggled me a love potion. A love potion. The sad part is that I might've developed feelings for him if it wasn't for everything that's happened in the past half hour. I still vividly remember the butterflies I got when he first came over to me. No amount of alcohol could make a person that crazy, right? He didn't drink nearly as much as I have. He must be fully aware of what's happening.

Pucey stares at me, clearly frightened, "Are you mental?" He glances at the door behind him, and tries to slowly back away. The people within a few feet are watching us, concerned expressions on their faces. "Who would be crazy enough to do that? Why— someone better take you to the hospital wing, I think you've had too much to drink. You could be hallucinating."

"I'm hallucinating?" I yell. Suddenly the music is off, and moderately loud chatter is the only background noise to our fight. "I'm literally Snapes daughter! You really tried to smuggle your potion masters daughter Amortentia."

The room is quiet, and whispers seem to flood my pounding head. I walk towards Adrian but I nearly fall in the process. George grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I look at Adrian's smug smile, and I just want to rip his lips off his face. I regret letting them ever touch me. I should've listened to the people around me. How are they going to react? I just have a horrible feeling that Eve will hold a grudge.

"See!" Exclaims Adrian, putting his hands up in surrender. "She's clearly wasted. She just wants to start an awful rumor."

"Enough!" A higher pitched voice shouts. A red head with short, curly hair pushes his way to the front of the crowd. I recognize him due to Fred and George as their older brother, Percy Weasley. "As Gryffindor prefect, I'll be examining the sit—"

"There's no need for that!" Adrian says, quickly, "She just wants to ruin an innocent persons reputation. She's Snape's daughter after all."

George laughs, and his face is oddly calm. He walks to Adrian, his knuckles white from clenching his fists. He swings towards his stomach but Adrian ducks. George hits him straight in the jaw, and Adrian winces, stepping back. Shouts break out from around the room as George walks back over to me.

Adrian runs a hand over his jaw before running to George and I. Percy is standing behind George, with wide, confused eyes. Adrian looks at me and lets out a grim smile. "I hope you're happy with the scene you've caused."

Before Percy can stop Adrian, the crowd parts and he storms out of the common room, livid. The room is silent, and George looks down at his knuckles. They're already turning a yellow color, and thin, dark red is streaming from the side of one. He looks down to me and shrugs. A soft smile lingers on his lips. He gives me his other hand and I relax. He gives it a light squeeze. His smile just makes me feel good. He opens his mouth to say something but Percy beats him to it.

"I apologize, for whatever conflict happened on the left side of the room. I'll be taking ten points away from Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff."

I flinch. Does he really think this is my fault? I frown at the idea of everyone listening to Adrian, and thinking I'm being an irrational drunk.

Fred shouts out from the middle of the crowd. "That's rubbish!"

George looks to his brother, a somber expression on his face. "Really, Perce? Leave Hufflepuff out of this."

Percy stares at George and I. His eyes lingering at our joined hands. I let go of George quickly, but he holds on, almost tightening his grip more.

"I will talk to my brother about his violent actions," Percy says, "Continue to enjoy your night." He turns the music back on, but conversation takes a while to start back up. I slowly feel the adrenaline drain from my body, and my emotions catch up with me. George sends Percy a glare before muttering something under his breath. He slowly guides me towards the exit, making sure I don't fall. He's completely sober, and I couldn't be more thankful for it.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now