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Celebrating Halloween always brings me joy, no matter the depressive slump I'm in. Before I went to Ilvermorny, my grandmother and I would stay in the house and pass out our favorite candies to the youngest kids in our neighborhood. Once we were done, we'd munch on all of the leftovers the rest of the night while watching children's Halloween movies. According to my grandmother, all Halloween movies are good movies. I'm not sure if I believe that now, but I definitely see where she's coming from.

This Halloween will be my first without her. As I'm packing a bag for Hogsmede, I can't help but tear up at the thought of our quite little street in a bustling, big city. The kids on park avenue will stop at our house and probably won't get an answer. They were so used to my grandmother doing little dances or telling them jokes every time the door opened. We would keep count of how many kids stopped at our house. The notebook still sits in my drawer.

"You know what?" I say to nobody in particular. Evangeline and Layla stop chatting in the bathroom, and Rosa looks up from the paper she was writing on. "I'm going to buy those big bags of candy at Honeydukes and pass it out to the first and second years. It'll be a little surprise since they don't get to come."

"That's awfully sweet, Claudia," Eve states while making a weird face to apply her mascara.

"Are you going to bring the notebook?" Layla asks, softly.

I'm suddenly reminded of a conversation Layla and I had about our Halloween traditions a few days ago. Something inside me seems to pull me towards my desk drawer. I open it, and see the little black moleskin notebook. It's covered in cheap Halloween stickers. Our regular kids would come around every year to add one with the notebook, and we'd even let them mark their own tally. I stare at the notebook, not moving. After a few seconds, I lift my somewhat trembling hand to pick it up.

When I open the cover, it makes a cracking noise. After all, it hasn't been opened in a year. I flip to the first page, and in neat, gorgeous cursive lettering the date October 31, 1968. Ten years from my birth year. She must've started the tradition a year or two after she moved. I flip through many pages before seeing a blank backside. I sigh, and look at the last date. October 31, 1992. The years I wasn't at Ilvermorny, a small, purple heart sat in the corner. I don't remember why this started, and I wish I could ask her.

I rummage through my desk, and find a thin, purple marker. I draw a little heart before grabbing my quill and writing October 31, 1993 in the neatest handwriting possible. I smile softly before sticking the notebook in my bag.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Our trip to Hogsmede is uneventful, and rather cold. We quickly make our way back to the castle, shoving our frigid hands into the depths of our coat pockets. The edge of our noses are red as we shuffle into the Hufflepuff common room.

Instantly, the warm air from the fire rests on my skin. I slip off my coat and hat, and throw them against a chair. I rummage through my letterman bag, and find the big bag of individually wrapped sweets.

I start in the common room, passing out the candies to various younger students. Eve and Layla follow, and help keep track of students in the sticker covered moleskin. We make our way up and down the staircases, watching people smile ear to ear.

Although the candy is meant for the first and second years, we run into Lee, Angelina, and Cedric walking into the castle from the great hall, and we of course have to sneak them a piece.

"Prince! Wait up!"

Eve and Layla turn, but I already know the people running after me. I feel two hands on my shoulders, pulling me backwards.

"You've got to stop doing that," I mumble, taking a few steps to regain my balance.

Fred shrugs, his smile is animated as ever. "We were just curious as to when you'd give us one of your sweets."

I roll my eyes, looking between the two of them. "First and second years only."

George scoffs, "a little birdy told us—"

"A rather large birdy with brown hair and a Hufflepuff prefect badge to be specific," Fred interrupts.

George continues, "that you were giving out sweets."

"Sorry, boys," I say. "You heard me."

"C'mon, sweetheart," Fred laughs. "You even gave Lee and Angie one. You barely know them!"

I smile, innocently. "Well, Lee and Angie don't run around annoying me 24/7."

George groans loudly, and Fred just stands there, still smirking.

"If it makes you feel better," I say, "we can finish the left overs after dinner."

"Deal," they say simply.

"Now," Fred says, "we're off the prank daddy dearest."

George grins, and leans in to whisper in my ear. "Halloween tradition."

I smile, and watch George jog down the hall, catching up with Fred.

"They're sweet," says Eve, simply.

I laugh, "Sometimes."

We walk back to the common room, and I get my first peek into the great hall. The sky is pitch black, despite it still being afternoon. Instead of the normal floating candles, the professors and enchanting carved, illuminated pumpkins. Based off of the size, I assume they're from Hagrid's patch.

"Hey!" I shout, smiling at a first year I recognize from the sorting ceremony. "Would you want a sweet?"

The little boy nods, returning my smile. He picks a candy from the palm of my hand. It's a toffee, wrapped in green and gold. I grin at his small "thanks" before running off.

I go to but the remaining candies in my coat pocket, but I feel a few small, thin pieces of paper sitting at the bottom. I pull out the pieces, and one I see the small ghost sticker, I can't help but tear up. The other piece of paper seems to be ripped from a notebook. It holds a short, but sweet message.

"I noticed your notebook, and wanted to add one to the collection. Happy Halloween - g.f.w."

I look at his small, scraggly but legible handwriting. He took the time to notice my notebook, and get a sticker. I quickly peel off the back, and look at the covered front. I turn the notebook over, and place the ghost sticker on the back, in the upper left corner. Still smiling, I turn to Eve and Layla.

"I don't think anything could truly ruin today."


I'M LOOKING AT YOU Cynthiaweasley1

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