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A/N: I barely had to change this chapter. It was the best one in the original princess, and I love it so much!!

"Now, Lee, I want a clean, unbiased game."

A few snorts and chuckles are let out. One laugh stands out more than others. I feel my shoulders relax at the sound of their laugh.

I turn over my right shoulder, and I see two, smiling redheads looking back at me. I've always found their smiles quite comforting. Which is nice, considering they're always laughing. Lately, with the drama around Pucey, seeing them on my walk to defense the dark arts, their glances from across the great hall, or even the rather dull jumpscares they perform keep me from going insane.

"Since when do they allow Gryffindors that have nothing to do with the game in here?" A rather annoying fourth year asks from the corner.

"Please, Maddox, keep that negative energy for the Slytherins," snaps Cedric. He makes his way over to George, Fred, and me, grinning. His uniforms make him glow even more than usual. The black would make him look pale and washed out if it wasn't for the yellow sleeves. His jawline is strong enough to make anyone blush, and his foggy eyes invite me to someplace warm and welcoming.

"So what are you two misfits really doing here?" He asks, maintaining a friendly smile.

George takes a seat on the bench next to me. He sits on my left, and Fred sits on my right, just like it's always been. The bench is hard underneath me, but I guess the grass isn't much better. The tent flap opens and closes, letting the cool November air in. I absolutely hate November.

As the last members of our team shuffle in from the locker rooms, I can't help but notice that the air around us is getting tense. The noise outside gradually increases as more students (and the occasional parent) enter the stadium not too far away.

As the noise increases, so do the butterflies in my stomach. This is my first quidditch match. I didn't play at Ilvermorny, so it's not like I have much experience with real games. I've been flying well during practices, but who knows what'll happen once I get out there.

George putting his arm around me wakes me from my sudden trance. "Can't we see our favorite girl before the match?"

Cedric chuckles a bit, "and to think you were here to see me."

Fred scoffs, "nobody wants to see the wonderful, record-breaking, star Hufflepuff golden boy when we have our amateur, beginner Claudia."

Eve laughs from behind Fred, and I squirm out from under Georges' arm. I mutter a quick "ouch" under my breath. Fred seems to have forgotten about his remark, and is now whispering something in Eve's ear. She smiles, and stands on tip-toes to continue the conversation.

Lee speaks up since the first time he was chastized by Madam Hootch. "You'll do fine, Dia, those Slytherins seem to keep a soft spot for you Hufflepuffs."

"Don't forget," says Fred, "slimy little Malfoy is barely half of Cedric's size."

I chuckle at nothing in particular before looking down at my hands, which are folded in my lap. Before I can sike myself out again, Professor Sprout walks into the tent. She smiles softly at everyone, "It's time."

Once we're out on the quidditch pitch, the only image in my mind isn't a pleasant one. After all, the chances of falling off your broom are high. Way too high in my opinion.

The sky's a shade of gray due to all of the clouds. The blue that is poking out is a light shade of periwinkle. I steady my breathing and mount my broom. Roaring from the quidditch pitch fills my ears as I begin to float in the air along with the rest of my teammates. Cedric nods, and I take one last deep breath, readying myself for any possible outcomes of the game.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now