Chapter 1

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This story includes: 

Swearing and Violence

Most of the story will be in Violet's POV since she's kind of the main character in this story.

Violet's age throughout the book: 16-17 Klaus's age: 14-15 Sunny: 3-4  Quagmires: 15


         We had sailed across the sea for hours and finally reached the shore of.."Briny Beach," Sunny whispered, her English was getting much better, now we wouldn't have to translate what she said to other people as much. Briny Beach, the place where it had all begun. I remembered it clearly, once Mr. Poe had told us the news that we were orphans. We never expected for all the events that happened to us for the past year or so to actually happen. I still wonder to this day why our parents had sent us to the beach, did they know about the fire before it happened? But if so, why didn't they come with us, if they knew...why didn't they save themselves? 

      "Where do we go now, we sailed across the sea but with no place to stay?" Klaus asked. Sunny and Klaus both looked at me. I handed Klaus Beatrice so I could tie up my hair and think of ideas. I reached for the ribbon Kit had handed me and tied my hair back in a ponytail. Justice Strauss. I thought. "Remember how Justice Strauss offered us to live with her?" I reminded Klaus. "But what if she doesn't want us to stay with her anymore, we did leave her behind when we burned the hotel. In fact, what if she didn't make it? She was on the rooftop, and I can't think of any way she could've escaped in time," Klaus said. "What was that one famous quote by Davee Jones again?" I asked. "'You'll never know until you try," Sunny replied. "Correct, we can't just assume Klaus. We should at least try," I insisted. Klaus sighed and said, "alright, you make a point, let's go knock on Justice Strauss's door."


       Klaus was holding Beatrice, so I walked up to the door and did the honor of knocking on Justice Strauss's door myself. We waited for around ten minutes or so with still no reply. "I told you, she's probably dead," Klaus said. I sighed and walked away from the door. "Where will we go now?" I asked. But just then we heard a familiar voice, "oh, I'm sorry for answering the door so late but--Baudelaires!?" Justice Strauss! I eagerly turned around to face Justice Strauss. "Oh Baudelaires, I'm so glad your safe." She ran to hug us and then noticed Beatrice. "Oh, who is this?" Justice Strauss put her finger on Beatrice's little nose and booped it gently. "This is Beatrice," Klaus replied to her question. "Well, you children must come inside!" Justice Strauss insisted and gently took the baby from Klaus. She let us first inside and went inside herself, then she shut the door. "We were wondering, if we could stay with you. We have nowhere to go and.." I started. "Oh of course I'll let you stay Baudelaires! In fact, I was preparing dinner right now and I would love some help!" Justice Strauss said. "I can help!" Sunny volunteered. "Sunnys developed a love for cooking so she would be grateful to help," Klaus informed Justice Strauss. "And I would be grateful for your help Sunny," Justice Strauss handed Beatrice back to Klaus and lead Sunny to the kitchen. "Thank you, Justice Strauss," Klaus and I spoke. Justice Strauss smiled. "I would appreciate it if you'd call me mom, but you don't have to children." "Thank you..., mom." Her smile grew larger as she walked off with Sunny into the kitchen.

       Klaus placed Beatrice in the baby holder we had brought along with us and then headed to the library to read some books. I decided to explore the house. There was the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the library, the garden. Upstairs there was Mom's room and what appeared to be three separate rooms, each door had a name on it, one was for Sunny, another for Klaus, and one for me. She had rooms all ready for us, to take care of us. I went inside my room, it was beautiful. The walls were a nice light mauve color. There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room, with a wardrobe and a mirror on top of it, they were placed in front of the bed. A walk-in closet full of new, intact shoes. A table and chair were placed beside the door with a bunch of drawers and pencils and papers for sketching some of my ideas, a few books on the right side on top of the desk, and boxes of materials for me to use to create my inventions that lay beside the desk.  The windows had pretty pearl purple curtains that blocked the light from blinding my vision. There were also posters with inspirational quotes on them, like for example one said: "logic will get you from A to Z, imagination will get you everywhere." - Albert Einstein. The room was incredible, and the bed was comfy. I decided not to check out Klaus and Sunny's room and leave it for them to explore. 

          Instead, I decided to sketch out some ideas I had in mind. During our boat ride some ideas of a new creation popped up in my head, now I had some new materials to use to create my new invention. I sat down on the wooden chair and picked up a pencil, the gears in my mind started twisting and turning as my pencil raced across the paper. I used the materials in the box and started to build up my new invention. "Huge Hydro Rescue" was what I called it. The Huge Hydro Rescue basically detects boats, ships, planes, etc. that contains people who are stranded on an ocean, sea or large lake and are in need of help, my new invention can detect over 3,392 miles, which is half the length of the Atlantic Ocean. Once it detects people in need of help it spins the wheel of line that stretches across the body of water with my own custom-made life jackets attached to it, there are only three life jackets available so it may not save everyone in a ship or plane unfortunately.  The Huge Hydro Rescue beeps once three people are safely secured in the life jacket which signifies for me to pull the wheel backwards and send the string back, along with the people. I'm not sure the string is strong enough which is why I decided to head to the beach to test it out. 

     I picked up my invention and headed downstairs. Once I headed closer downstairs I was welcomed with the smell of freshly cooked food, dinner was ready. I should go and eat dinner first and then test out my invention.  I thought, I placed my invention on the couch and headed to the dining room. There were four chairs, three were occupied with one left available right next to Klaus. Luckily Justice St--Mom had a few baby supplies for Beatrice so there was a baby chair for her, guess she was preparing to take care of us even when Sunny was a baby, but Sunny was now 3 years old, and Beatrice was the new baby. Sunny and Mom had prepared plates of Pasta with a fresh tomato sauce and a side of chocolate pudding for dessert, the food was delicious. I washed my plates and headed out but first I informed mom. "I'm going out to test my new invention, I hope you don't mind." "Oh, it's alright, just come home before ten."  I nodded and headed outside.

        Once I exited Ju-Mom's nice and welcoming home, I was surprised by a familiar voice, "hello, hello, hello Violet Baudelaire.", no, no, could it be? How? Why? I tried reaching for the doorknob to open it, but I couldn't. I thought my suffering had finally ended. But, when I turned around, I was only facing his treacherous home. It was my imagination. I had finally forgotten about him until his house, drenched with his awful aura had reminded me of those memories, they had crept up and surprised attack me. Chills crawled up my spine. But then I took a few deep breaths. He's dead Violet, he can't harm your siblings or you any longer.  

         I shook it off and headed to Briny Beach on the rickety trolley. I placed down my invention near the shore, and I picked up a small doll toy as an example of a human, I didn't know if the Huge Hydro Rescue would detect it or not, but I threw it in the sea with my dominant hand. I pressed the turn on button and the machine started detecting, I waited and waited and finally the wheel started to turn, guess it could detect non-living objects, a life jacket launched through the sea. Damn it. I just remembered; how will the doll be able to go through the life jacket? But to my surprise the machine beeped, I pulled the wheel back and the life jacket went flying back with the doll wrapped around it. I smiled; my invention worked. "I'm guessing the life jacket must have landed right through the doll's head and because it's arms were sticking out, they fit through the two holes on the side. I looked up at the sky, the stars were shining, and the moon was out. Hopefully it wasn't past ten but guessing how it was summertime it probably was. I picked up my machine and the doll and ran back home. 

    "Violet, your home late." "I'm sorry I was just so busy with my invention!" I apologized. "I'm just glad your home safely, now you should get to bed." I nodded. I headed up the stairs but before I shut the door of my room I said, "goodnight mom." Mom replied, "goodnight, Violet." I then closed the door.

I'm actually really proud of myself for being able to write all of this. Wishing that my writing skills don't go to waste and at least someone views this.  It doesn't really make sense why Violet would think the invention would do well with a human just because it somehow did with a doll and using a doll as the test subject was kind of weird, but I couldn't think of anything else.

Word in total: 1758

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