• Chapter 22 •

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   Namjoon can still feel Jimin's soft, plump lips over his own lips, even though the contact lasted just one second. The man just took his backpack, and now walks with quick steps to the front door. He opens it and leaves the apartment.

   “Jiminnie!” the doctor runs out of the bedroom and chases the younger “Wait, don't leave!”

   The sudden noise alerts Jungkook, who was sitting on the closed toilet, just letting time go by. He leaves the bathroom, just in time to see Namjoon running through the front door.

   He doesn't know what might've happened in his absence, and he doesn't know whether if he should run behind them and find out, or stay and watch the monitor. He really can't decide what to do.

   Jimin is already outside the building, cursing himself for what he did. The doctor reachs out to him and takes his arm, but the blond fights it away.

   “P-please... Namjoon-nim, I... I know kissing you was a mistake, but d--”

   “No” the older interrupts him “You didn't make any mistakes, Jiminnie.”

   The blond looks up, and stares into the man's eyes, silently wondering if he actually said that, or if he just misheard it.

   Every doubt vanish away, when the doctor steps closer to him and cups his face with both hands. He gives the warmest smile, turning the blond's world upside down. An instant later the man is kissing him back, as sweetly as he never was kissed before, making the younger melt and sigh a little.

   Unfortunately, the older ends the kiss way quicker than he wanted. They pull back and look at each other. They don't stay inside that cozy bubble for so much time, because they feel a pair of eyes looking at them, but can't find out where does that feeling come from.

   They turn and see behind Jimin... And there they find Marie, Namjoon's wife, looking at them from inside her car.

   “Oh God, no” the blond steps away of Namjoon, and covers his face with both hands. Did he just destroy a marriage? No. The mere idea is unbearable for him.

   The doctor is already taking long, quick steps to his wife. He stops in front of her open window and rubs his nape, attempting to look at her in the eyes, but shamefully looking down instead.

   “Honey, this... This was--”

   “Nammie, I knew this was gonna happen, but you didn't listen to me. That's why I told you not to do that to him” she says, holding onto the steering wheel and dropping her eyebrows in annoyance.

   “Marie-ssi!” Jimin is next to the woman's car too “This is all my fault, you have to believe me. I'm just a silly boy with a crush. This was a mistake, and will not happen ever again.”

   Now Marie looks at Jimin in awe. Then she looks at her husband.

   “You didn't tell him yet? Oh, Namjoon... Please, don't be cruel” she scolds.

   The receptionist is confused. He looks to the doctor and his wife, trying to find an explanation.

   “Sweetie... You two can be together” the woman smiles, and turns on the car engine “You already did.”

   Marie handles the wheel, and drives away of them. She turns on the corner, and the car isn't there anymore.

   Jimin gulps, afraid of hearing whatever Namjoon is about to tell him. He looks up at his eyes and waits.

   “Uhm...” the doctor runs a hand through his dark, hoary hair, then he sighs and puts his hand on his waist, looking down “Jiminnie, you and I... We were boyfriends, last year.”

   It's like the ground under him just trembled. Jimin can't believe his ears.

   “We dated for almost a month. Marie knew about it, but didn't get in the way, she gave me the opportunity to choose freely. I took my decision and chose my marriage, so... I told you we needed to rather break up, so you were able to meet people your age. We broke up, but still met each other daily at the clinic. I would find that broken look in your eyes day after day, and...” Namjoon takes a breath before resuming his speech “I thought doing the procedure on you was the best option.”

   And Jimin's whole world falls apart. Namjoon notices, and wants to get closer to him, he wants to hug him. But he doesn't move an inch.

   “I told you it was for the better, I wanted to keep working with you, because you're a great receptionist, but I wouldn't handle seeing you that heartbroken any longer.”

   Jimin is practically a living statue in the middle of the street. His breathing quickened, and his heart is beating twice as normal.

   Jungkook is some feet apart of them, also shocked for what the doctor just said. He finally decided to chase Namjoon and Jimin, since the automatic search was active, and the patient would not wake up again due to the second dosis of sleeping medicament.

   He took the keys, stepped out of the apartment, closed the door and quickly walked down the stairs, leaving the building just in time to hear the news.

   Namjoon turns around to see Jungkook, and looks at Jimin again. Then he sighs in sadness, and walks to the technician.

   But Jimin stays still. He just realized: If Namjoon did the procedure on him, that means there's a folder with his name on the clinic. He takes his wallet out of his backpack, apparently the only valuable object inside it, because he throws the whole backpack to one side of the street, and starts running. He runs and gets lost in the dark night.

   Namjoon and Jungkook remain silent for a moment, still getting over the situation.

   “Uhm...” the technician is the first one talking “Marie-ssi, she... She texted me, asking where are we doing tonight's job. I didn't know this would happen, I though she was just worried about you. I'm sorry.”

   “Don't say sorry, Jungkookie. You didn't know” the doctor says, looking at him.

   The young man nods, and looks at the ground. He still feels a little guilty for giving the address to the woman.

   “Let's go” the older walks past him, putting a hand on his shoulder “We need to go back and resume the job.”

   “Yes... Y-yes, let's go” Jungkook sighs and walks behind the doctor.


Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Jintae fanfic) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now