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The sun shone on Chalynn's face through the crack of her gray black out curtains. She stretched in her bed and yawned looking over to see Key was gone but she smelled food being cooked and light talking coming from down stairs.

She had to work in a few hours but that wasn't going to stop her from eating first. She used the bathroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face before heading downstairs.

"Good morning sunshine." Marlee smiled as she spun around in her bar stool at the high counter. Chalynn forgot she wasn't really talking to her sister but after her night last night she decided to let it go.

Lay kissed her sisters forehead, "Good morning Mar Mar." Marlee cheesed happily and ate her eggs. "Hi boo." Chalynn got on her tip toes to kiss Key's cheek,

"Good morning." Bria came flying down the stairs making a whole lot of noise. She had a wide smile on her face, "Lay, your phone still missing?" Marlee asked sipping her orange juice, she didn't know why but she felt as if Bria had something to do with it, "Yes."  She got salty thinking about how it grew legs and ran away.

"Oh, I thought I told you I found it." Bria said slyly as she dug in her purse to pull it out. "So then why is it in your purse?" Marlee asked not believing her, "I found it outside in the grass. Maybe it fell out when you went to grab your keys or something." Bria shrugged going to make her a plate of whatever Key was cooking.

There was none left for her, "Dang there's no break feast for me?" She thought that because she knew his secret he would play nice to her and that  wasn't the case.

"So, Chalynn. He told you?" Bria smirked getting cozy on the couch for all the tea she was about to spill. "Yeah he did. But it's okay we're going to work it out together." Bria looked at Key who had stopped what he was doing to give her a death glare.

"How did you know?" Marlee asked Bria, "What do you mean? It's my niece." Chalynn stopped chewing confused as to what she was talking about.

"What? I thought you were talking about him going on tour. What does that have to do with Eliana?" She asked hoping that it wasn't what she thought it was,

"Key is Eli's father." Bria crossed her legs and put her interlaced fingers on her knee she carried this devilish grin on her face. Marlee almost jumped out of her seat, she knew that Bria only said it to be messy.

Not for the good of her best friend. Chalynn's heart dropped as she turned to Key with watery eyes, "Tell me she's lying.." She pleaded, he couldn't even look her in the eyes. The fact that Eliana was only a few months old really blew her too, that meant he could still very well be sleeping with the baby's mother. 

Marlee felt her sisters hurt, she knew how much of a risk it was to try and date Key and he held such a big secret from her sister."Dang Key, I was rooting for you." Marlee shook her head, she smeared her cream cheese over her toasted blueberry bagel.

"Say something!" Chalynn yelled folding her arms across her chest and putting her full attention on Key.

Marlee jumped because Chalynn never raised her voice at anybody, "Can we talk somewhere else?" He asked searching her brown eyes that tears threatened to spill out of.

"You had so many opportunities yesterday. I proved to you that I was down for you but you can't even do the same for me." Bria covered her mouth to keep from laughing, "I had to know if I could trust you. My mama don't even know that I have a baby." He admitted, he wished he could take her to a private location and talk to her not talk to her in front of everybody

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