Chapter 7

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While Grace was getting ready, Ithel went to the Mexican restaurant and devoured a basket of chips and salsa. He told himself he was eating so much because he hadn't had anything to eat in over a day, but I'm pretty sure there was another reason.

When Ithel saw Grace finally walk in, for a reason that he just couldn't fathom he felt his pulse quicken.

Grace sat down and said, "So, you're a genie?"

Ithel swallowed a mouthful of chips and said, "Yep."

"I thought y'all lived in lamps."

"No, but I believe that story came from the fact that we were often imprisoned and somehow a jail or a cell became a lamp."

"Have you been in jail?"

"It's not the jail you're thinking of, but yes."

"What for?"

"Usually someone who has some guys he could order found would find out I'm a genie, so they'd grab me in throw me in his jail or dungeon or cellar or wherever they could keep my locked up."

"A dungeon? Where were you locked up in a dungeon?"

"Mostly in Europe, but this was a long time ago?"

"How long?"

"Around 500 years ago."

"You're telling me your 500 years old."

"I'm actually around 1,500 years old."

"So, you were born in 500 AD?"

"We didn't really keep track of dates like you do now, but yeah I'm pretty sure it was around then."

"You expect me to believe you're 1,500 years old."

"I don't care what you believe. I just want you to make two more wishes, so I can get out of here."

Ithel was so confident Grace couldn't tell if he was a great con man or was telling the truth. But how could he be telling the truth? He looked no older than 25. So, she concluded he must be trying to con her. She just didn't know how yet?

So, she asked, "How did you escape?"

"From the one 500 years ago?"


"I told one of my guards if he got me out, I'd grant him three wishes."

"But, I thought you said, you only grant people whishes who save your life?"

"True, but he didn't know that."

Then, the waitress showed up. After she took their orders and had walked away, Grace asked, "So, they're more of you?"

"They're were."

"What happened to them?"

"They died."

"All of them."

Ithel nodded.

"How do you know that?"

"How do you think?"

Grace was about to ask a follow up question, when Ithel said, "Ok, that's enough questions. Clearly, I can't convince you by answering your questions. So, just wish for something?"

Grace was a little put off by his tone, but she did realize he was right. She was going to believe him unless he actually did something magical, so she figured she should wish for something. She just didn't know what.

"Is there anything I can't wish for?"

"You can pretty much only wish for tangible things."

"So, I couldn't wish to heal someone?"

The Last Genie: A NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now