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Light brown eyes with bags underneath them stared back at me. "Hmph," I grunted, getting an attitude with my reflection and throwing some water on my face.

I could already smell the sweet scent of real bacon wafting underneath the door of my bedroom all the way from the kitchen. I washed my face and changed into something casual to walk downstairs in. My bra, some sweats, and an old pair of fuzzy socks from high school.

I pushed open my bedroom door, spotting Cielo perched on one of the chairs at the island, bouncing in her chair as she chewed on her turkey bacon.

"Good morning, Adore," I called out, sliding into a seat next to Cielo. "Good morning, Cielo."

"I made you something to drink on the counter."

I eyed the pitcher of a mysterious liquid Adore had concocted. "It'll help with...how you're feeling," she glanced back, winking playfully.

Adore was young like Madame Michel too, but closer to my age, not French but African, and a whole lot more fun. Where the other nanny's accent was heavy, Adore's accent was light and I could appreciate all the ass she carried around in her little outfits.

"You gonna keep admiring me, or are you gonna ask me what Cielo did last night?"

My eyes widened, as I glanced over at my kid. "Cielo, what did you-

"She said a letter," Adore turned back to the stove, cutting the burners off.

I was speechless as I turned to Cielo. "I'm so proud of you," I told her softly, touching my elbows to hers and holding her hands. "What letter was it, baby girl? Repeat it for Mommy."

She shook her head with a frown, turning back to her food.

"Letter C," Adore informed me from the kitchen.

"I'm proud of you," I told her, grabbing the pitcher and chugging it down with a twisted up expression.

"You have to go through pain to escape pain," Adore shrugged, noticing my face. "I made you a sandwich. I'll be getting my things and heading out soon. Do I need to stay until Madame, uh, Michel arrives?"

"No. It's fine. I'll be here with Cielo," I stated.

Adore seemed a little surprised, but kept at whatever she was fixing around.

Cielo tugged at my shirt, and pointed to Adore.

"What is it, mama?" I asked her.

She pointed again.

"I don't understand."

She pointed and picked up a piece of bacon.

"I'll make you some more bacon. Adore's about to leave," I told her, getting down from the stool and steadying myself. If I had been up in the skies last night, I was certainly back to Earth this morning.

My unofficial plans for the day are to enjoy some time with the little one....and maybe go one last place I hadn't been to in awhile.

After I fixed Cielo some food, saw Adore out, and started getting my daughter dressed, Ladie called me up.

"Rise and shine," I greeted her, putting her on speaker phone.

"I feel like crap."

"Adore helped me fix that," I commented.

"Lucky," Ladie grumbled, "Next time ask her to make me some too."

"Last night was great and all while it lasted but I can't keep doing stuff like that," I told Ladie, my head deep into Cielo's closest. Designer children's clothes and a few handmade pieces. "I need to start focusing on my priorities."

"So does that mean no to the party...?"

"Damn Ladie. I'm still going," I rolled my eyes, "I'm just going to ease off of things."

"Hm. So it didn't take you getting a girl to get you to settle down with your life," Ladie made her observation.

"I don't want to ever settle down with life," I mimicked her, "I want my days to be as lively and fun and educating as they can be."

"Tell me that again when you're drunk off a-

"Cielo's in the room," I hissed.

"Hey Cielo!" Ladie shouted.

Cielo shook her head, moving away from the phone. She was always avoidant of Ladie, or my other friends.

"My Houston friend-

"Stop right there. Your Houston what?" I scoffed.

"A Camphorian and a Houstonian can be friends," she said defensively.

"I didn't say they couldn't be. That's just...a whole lot of risks."

"Her name's Zanita. She's apart of a gang. Near the same higher level as us in the criminal world."

Not many at the bottom could relate to us.

"I guess that's fine then," I shrugged.

"You're so...yucky when it comes to outsiders or people not from here. You have to open up," Ladie sighed.

"So why do you want me to really go to this party so bad?" I pressed her, pulling out a Chanel two-piece for Cielo.

"You'll see when you get there," Ladie said happily.

"Thanks for Aunt Kay's necklace again. It was nice," I nodded to myself, remembering it, "She told me she never wants to take it off. I'm sure she'll find a way to match it to everything she wears."

"That's great. It seemed like it was her type of taste."

"Me and the kid are gonna be hanging out today," I told her, "But keep me updated on when you find a party."

"I was actually thinking of...tonight," I could imagine Ladie biting at her new nails, a hesitant expression on her face.

"Ladie, really? I know there's a million parties being thrown there everyday. Why tonight? I wanted to spend my day on Cielo," I sighed, turning off the speaker and placing my phone near my face.

Cielo continued playing with her toys on the floor.

"I'm sorry...but tonight's the night that all the Camphorian's are going," Ladie said softly.

"I'll make it. I guess I'll just try to make the most of the time we have before then. What time does it start?" I asked, frowning.


"So the party'll end in the morning?" I groaned.

"I understand if you wanna leave earlier because of Cielo..." Ladie suggested slowly.

"I'll- I'll work shit out. I gotta go," I hung up.

I exhaled slowly, closing my eyes, then gave Cielo a smile once I realized she had been watching me. It would be easier to have someone around who loved her as much as I do and could watch her. Nanny's were cool and all, but that's their job. I want Cielo to not feel like she's something to be handled or a burden. But I also want to live my life. I'm still young.

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