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"Where do I turn at?" Cameron yelled, almost running into a delivery truck identical to the one she drove now, in the building lot.


"Okay. You run in. I'll wait here as long as I can," she hissed.

"Don't leave me, Cameron," I begged her, grabbing her face and pulling her towards me. Her hands groped along my body, pulling me onto her lap as she moaned. Her hand slipped into my shirt, squeezing on my breast as her tongue slid into my mouth, my thighs squeezing against her waist.

I pulled back, panting. "I have to go."

I got out, making sure my weapons were on me. I had to be walking into a trap right now but I'd run through a dozen bullets for those two females in there.

"Make it out, Ny. Okay?" Cameron called out.

I grabbed a large pot by the back entrance, shaking the plant out of it and slamming it against the metal door, over and over. My house laid inside with my family members and probably a hundred people working under Ladie and Zanita's every word.

I hit the keypad attached to the outside wall, my body aching with exhaustion.

"Fuck. I got you."

Cameron helped me hit the pot against the door but we weren't making in progress.

"There has to be another way in," she backed up from the door, moving from underneath the shedding over the roof and surveyed the building with her eyes.

"No. The doors were the only way in. Gator made sure it was secure," I sighed, falling to the ground and spitting on the concrete.

"But what about the ways out?" Cameron asked me, pacing around.

"A road tunnel leads a mile from here to this building. A secret escape," I told her, "But I don't think my mother and Cielo have fought anyone off with orders to keep them hostage. They couldn't have made it all the way out for a mile. My mother's too...sick. And Cielo's too young and she wouldn't understand- She's probably freaking out right now if they know what's going on."

"No," Cameron pointed at me, stopping. "It's far stretched, but we drive the mile out and access the building from there."

"But what if the door into the tunnel is just the same as here?" I threw up my hands. "Then that'll be a waste of time when every second we've got is precious."

"Just an idea," she muttered, biting her nails.

"I have to offer Ladie and Zanita something. A bribe, I guess? I need to make sure they're alright. We've gotta get out the state."

"We? I have to go back to my family after this. I'm sorry but...I don't think things can work out between us the way we thought they would, Ny," Cameron bit her lip.

"So what was that back there?" I demanded.

"We need to focus on our rescue plan right now," she redirected me.

"What rescue plan," I grumbled, holding my head in my hands.

"I'm taking the truck and going out the mile," she decided out of nowhere, "You can do what you want but I think that it's worth a try."

"It's not that I don't think it's worth it, we just don't have enough-

I ducked as I heard bullets flying.

"Go, Cameron! If you can get Cielo to safety, and my mother to my father, here," I thrust the McDonald's receipt with the address Aunt Kay had left on my voicemail. She must have made it before she was attacked. I'm glad she had thought ahead. My heart clenched at the thought of her death. She was really gone.

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