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"Bro, no because I watch those games from end to finish. I mean, from the moment they air the hoe I'm watching. Seats don't even be filled up yet. That's a real sports fan. You gotta see the after and before to enjoy what's happening out on the court. It be hella drama," Cameron laughed.

"See, personally, I-

My phone started ringing and Aunt Kay's contact popped up on my phone.

"Hold on. This is my aunt. I gotta take this real quick," I got up from the couch and brought my pizza slice with me, passing Mack and Ladie talking.

"Hey, auntie," I leaned my back against the wall, my head right underneath a large painting of a black and white dahlia.

"Hey," she answered, her voice sounded very weak.

"What's wrong?" I frowned. "Did something happen back in Camphor? Is Cielo alright? My mother?"

She stayed quiet for awhile.

"It's my father isn't it? One of his hoes finally gave him a life threatening illness," I shook my head, already picturing his punk ass in a cheap ass casket.

"I think I'm dying, Nyia."

Time felt like it slowed. I clutched my phone in my hand, my breathing tight as my eyes watered. "No, no, no. You can't die. You've always been there for me. Not you, auntie."

"I feel like hell, and none of this has an explanation. I've been to doctors, I've given into the nonsense of the doctor of Google. I mean...I just...I don't know."

"How long has this been going on? Why didn't you say anything before?" I demanded.

"A few days. I didn't want to worry you. I know you're working hard to have your sister's soul at rest. I know you're trying to be everything for the cartel."

"What are your symptoms? What- What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, I feel extremely fatigued. I'm sure you can hear it in my voice. My nail bed is another color. My skin looks paler. I've gotten weaker over the last couple of days and my appetite isn't up to par. I don't think the hubby could have passed me anything so that's too much to lean on. Our wedding night was amazing, actually-

"Okay, okay," I interrupted, cringing. It was already enough seeing my favorite aunt kissing on some man in front of everybody. "Anything else?"

"A large rash across my neck. It's odd enough, it's only in the area that the necklace is," she commented.

My heart dropped.

"Did this begin when you started wearing the necklace?" I asked her lowly.

"Yes, but-

The line went silent.

"I've been poisoned."

"Auntie, I'll get you the best help that I can. Expect a visit from Gator. I'm going to call him right now."

"That bitch...she- she poisoned me," my aunt cried.

"You can't tell anyone. I'll deal with things accordingly," I hissed. I looked around to make sure she wasn't nearby. "I'm here with her."

"Nyia you have to stay safe," my aunt told me sternly.

"Cielo isn't ready," I told her softly, "I have to be."

"This isn't about the cartel or the Kelley line. This isn't even about Cielo. Your life is at stake here."

"I got this. I love you, Aunt Kay," I added softly.

"I'll be fine. I'll be fine now that I know the cause, right?" she asked me.

"I hope so. I really do."

I left the house, going out to my car to have a conversation with Gator.

"Look into Ladie's family. The necklace that she gave my aunt Kay was poisoned. I want to know everything about them but most importantly I need you to help my auntie."

"I got you, Ny. But...aren't you there with her now?"

"I am. So report back to me immediately. I'll proceed as needed," I told him darkly.

"Issues bred in Camphor should be dealt with in Camphor," he reminded me.

"Don't worry. I'll kill everybody," I whispered.

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