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"Is the table red?" I asked as soon as Gator answered the phone. His men should be done with Kiati by now. Every one of the lower level cartel members answered to him, everyone else answered to me. Something strengthened inside of me- this large sense of power grew thinking about that.

I was at the top. And now I'm finally acting like it.

"Coated like nail polish," he told me breezily.

"Parade her around enemy lines in Camphor. It's time for me to take over this city. It's time for me to send a large message," I told him, licking my lips in anticipation.

"Got it, Ny," he hung up.

I pulled up to Ladie's crib, in the gated community of Camphor Grove. She was already on the porch, waiting for me in a casual outfit and her new wig of the week. A blonde ombré with large, glossy curls and extravagant baby hairs. "Wassup, Ny?"

"Handled some business today," I stated, reaching over the seat to open her door. Glossy nude heels with a red bottom flashed in the sun before she got all the way in.

"What a gentlewoman," she smiled, "What type of business?"

"Finding Jovan's killer."

Her smile instantly fell.

"First you need to check your motives," Ladie stated, "when you know the motive it's easier to tell who it is." She sighed, "I thought we were relaxing today, Ny."

"Jovan wasn't me," I shook my head, my mood still solemn from the meeting with Kiati. "Why would anyone wanna kill her? She was nice and honestly everything that I wasn't. It should've been me, Ladie."

"If you look at this whole...case, I guess you would call it, as an extension of you then you won't get anywhere," Ladie advised, "Jovan is a separate entity from you. She was her own person. Remember, nice people have foes too, sometimes for no reason."

"I feel like somebody killed her to prove a point to me," I locked eyes with her.

"Jovan will be missed," Ladie said simply, "You gotta keep looking. But for now- rest."

"I've been working hard for the past couple of weeks. I need a break and I know you had that surprise for me. I'm sure they aren't available anymore since it's been so long but, I'm interested in that surprise now," I relented.

"I can call them up. Arrange a little something," she shrugged. "But you cannot bring Jovan up or Cielo during this. You need to let her get to know you before she gets to know your life."

I laughed, my mood finally lightening today, "I didn't think this was you trying to play at matchmaking. I thought the surprise would be a little fuck and...shuck. Shit, not nothing serious," I shrugged. "Like a date or some shit."

"The hell is a fuck and shuck," she rolled her eyes.

"I mean, I haven't even talked to Nicki since the party. She probably thinks I don't even want her anymore," I pouted. "I've neglected my love life."

"Nicki's for everybody," Ladie said distastefully, "but I'm sure she doesn't think that about you."

"Listen...I'm open to meeting this surprise. Just don't expect too much, okay? How could I even get close to her without her knowing who I am? What I do?"

"You never know...you might be more alike than what you think," Ladie shrugged. "My friend Zanita knows how to get a good kickback together. A small group of people, some drinks, and ass shaking. What more could a stud want?"

"I'm nervous, honestly," I blushed, "if she's anything like Nicki-

"She's no Nicki in the looks, honestly. But I think you'll like a few things about this girl," Ladie gave me a reassuring smile.

I pulled out of the driveway, cruising through her neighborhood until I left the front entrance.

"Zanita can get something together in the next hour?" I asked, knowing that would be impossible.

"She certainly can try. It'll ease some of the stress off of the two of you so things don't seem like a date," Ladie shrugged. "C- Your surprise is a friend of Zanita's, and me her think the two of you would be a cute fit."

"Zanita. She's from Houston, right?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered tightly, "but that doesn't matter. So is your surprise. Where they're from has nothing to do with the connection the two of you will have."

"Okay, Ladie," I agreed hesitantly.

"I'll call Zanita right now," she grinned happily.

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