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"Hey, Ny. You were gone for a long time," Zanita said, snacking on some dipped carrots as I came back through the front door.

"My aunt called. Something's up with her," I commented, trying to gauge Ladie's reaction as she sat on Zanita's lap on the couch

"Oh, what happened to her?" she asked casually.

"She isn't feeling too well," I stated, going to sit down next to Cameron.

"Hey," the stem smiled up at me.

I gave her back a pained smile, not having enough energy to even pretend to be okay in front of her. She could be in on this too for all I know.

"I hope she feels better," Cameron added.

"Thanks," I said softly.

No...she can't be.

"I think I'm gonna leave early," I told her, giving her a side hug. "I kind of feel...down now. You know?"

"Really. How am I gonna ride back?" Ladie interrupted.

"Can Mack take you?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"He was supposed to stay with some shawties-

"See if he'll change his plans. I'm just stressed as hell right now, okay?" I snapped.

"Don't get mad at me. This ain't my fault," Ladie snapped back, "You ride with your friend somewhere, you ride back with them. That's the moral thing to do."

"Ladie...not tonight please," I sighed, "You know all I got on my plate."

"I can take Ladie back home. I've never been to Camphor before anyways. Maybe I could stay the night and we could go somewhere together the next day, Ny," Cameron offered.

"No, you don't need to go there," I snapped.

"Oh...I'm sorry then," Cameron said unsurely.

I felt so frustrated and pissed off in the moment, turning away and walking to the door.

"Nyia, what's going on?" Ladie chased after me, trying to keep me from leaving.

I wanted to turn around then and there and accuse her of poisoning my aunt, but then what if it wasn't her? What if it was the manufacturer? What if her father did it and she didn't know? Would that make her as guilty as her family?

"I need a moment, okay? I'm fucking anxious right now, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed quietly, staring at me.

I unlocked the front door, walking down the driveway slowly.

"You're really gonna leave me in Houston alone, Ny? You can't keep running away from your worries." Do you care about me or are you only pretending to?

"Ladie, I hope you're really who...you're supposed to be," I said at last, turning to look at her. "Because if you're not...you'll be another Mira. Or," I tilted my head, "a Kiati."

She breathed sharply, before going back into the house. I got into my Maserati, half expecting it not to start. As soon as I drove away from Zanita's, I called up Gator with a sour feeling in my heart about leaving Cameron.

"Any info?"

"The necklace and the poison has been traced back to the Holm's and their gang. How should I proceed?" he questioned.

"I'm turning back around. I'll-

"Boss," Gator said sharply, "No. Don't get your hands dirty. You're a Kelley. You're above that. You let other people do the hard work."

"All I've ever done is sit on stacks of money," I finished for him, my heart pounding, "Not anymore, Gator. I won't sit around while everyone else grinds. I didn't work to become a Kelley, I was born one. Today, I'll finally prove myself. I won't be the little shadow in my father's wake. I'll be legendary."

"Nyia Kelley! Keep driving to Camphor! Do not turn that car back around!" Gator shouted into my ear.

"I already did, Gator," I whispered into the phone, picturing everything I'd do to that backstabber.

"Think about Cielo. Your mother. Your future," he pleaded, "The rules that apply here do not apply there. Your bloodshed will not be ignored."

"I know what I'm doing Gator," I told him.

"Where are you, at least?" he demanded.

"At Zanita Callaghan's house, pulling up. Mack's there, Ladie's there, and Cameron's there."

"Cameron? Cameron who?"

"Cameron," my voice faltered, "her name might not even be Cameron. Who know's who all is in on it."

"Wait until everyone is back in Camphor."

"She knows I know. She has to by now. She won't come back if she knows what's good for her and her family's gang," I stated.

"Deceased wasn't able to negotiate a deal that both parties would agree on earlier this year," Gator reminded me, "I believe this is the reason your aunt was poisoned."

"They were our allies," I said, "Ladie was my friend."

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